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Meter Issues Forcing Me Into Retirement

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jul 23 2013 3:06 PM (0 replies)
  • adtjoel
    124 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 3:06 PM

    I have so many meter problems it is beyond a joke. I just cannot play the game anymore.

    it is sometimes half a dozen (or at least a couple) EVERY single round and has been like this for weeks.

    I previously never had meter issue at all until about a month ago, when the "mm original" or whatever is says appeared above the meter. I don't know if WGT has been fiddling with the meters or something or whether they added this just to piss us off.

    I have tried FF, IE, Maxthon, Chrome - no change it either sticks (rare) or just appears an inch past the ding line (very common).

    I have lost on average 2 balls a month (sometimes I have lost none at all), this month I have lost 11 and still have 8 days left. I have since joining in November hit 10 water hazard in total, it must be 5 or more this month alone.

    My Driving average is 84%, and GIR is 77% and this is despite being on Master Tee at lvl 40 and Legend Tee at 72 at which time I had clubs that were so short I often finished in rough off tee (252yr driver on master tee, 270yrd driver on Legend tee).

    I think my averages are probably half that this month.

    I swear to God everytime I come to accept the "WGT factor" (horsecrap that should never happen) another steaming pile is presented to me. 

    I was thinking maybe trying a format. Any other suggestions?