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gifting friends used clubs may be with a charge in the operation

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jul 24 2013 7:50 PM (9 replies)
  • banano72
    3 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 5:36 PM

    In real life you often give a frien a used set because you bought a better one, could be the same in virtual life, of course this could represent not buying from wgt. so if you charge a 50% of the list price this could compensate the operation. Or taking some quality off the club like a presition 4 1/2 would become a 4 or something so you would have a setting for new and used club for each club in the game.

    Best regards


  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 6:06 PM


    In real life you often give a frien a used set because you bought a better one, could be the same in virtual life, of course this could represent not buying from wgt. so if you charge a 50% of the list price this could compensate the operation. Or taking some quality off the club like a presition 4 1/2 would become a 4 or something so you would have a setting for new and used club for each club in the game.

    Best regards



  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 6:21 PM

    It would reduce revenue /actively encourage multi accounting..............will not happen.  You can sell back to the pro shop at 25% cost and send a gift at 100% though....They do charge just a bit more than you would like:)

  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 7:41 PM


    It would reduce revenue /actively encourage multi accounting..............will not happen.  You can sell back to the pro shop at 25% cost and send a gift at 100% though....They do charge just a bit more than you would like:)

    As if they don't make enough revenue too start with , come on Jim be realistic here for a moment there making millions. They even had the nerve too use ad's all over the site. They even charge for shot pals which should be standard in the game too start with, the word greed is not enough too describe the company behind this game and that's the truth. What this guy is saying is correct and i thought about it myself. If it's purchased by us then it is ours digital or not digital so we as customers should have the right too do what we wish with the product. But as we know on here the customer gets the blunt end of the stick in all aspects of the website.

    But like i and many others have said greed will be the downfall of WGT. They dont even have the courtesy too do regular updates , improve the game , listen too the customers. Half of the courses have atrocious camera work done on them because they got lazy after a certain period of time. There is so much wrong but so little done too resolve everything.

    I would like too see the game be successful and go forward but it's going backwards at a very rapid rate and before long another developer/publisher is going too jump on board and release a product very similar with all the improvements that this game should already have.

    Not hating just giving my two cents on WGT.

    Apologies if this is taking the wrong way.



  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 8:20 PM

    As if they don't make enough revenue too start with , come on Jim be realistic here for a moment there making millions.

    Actually I concur with Jim. Whether  or not they make millions is irrelevant (and that is pure speculation) as WGT are a business and the obvious intention is to make money. Personally I do not begrudge WGT if they are making millions, they took the gamble and risks of investing in this game and I am sure there have been many days in the past they wondered where the next cent was coming from. I think a large percentage of players forget that this is a business, it is not a thrift shop but we can play this game for free if you choose to.

    One point that should be noted, we do not actually own anything, yes we paid for our clubs but they are not yours to take away and put in your garage or sell on Ebay.. As for the amount we get back on resell, well perhaps low but is not unrealistic if you bought a club and sold it to your club pro (and he adds his markup). Yes you would get more selling it say on Ebay. The problem selling or gifting to other members is it is a multi accounters dream - and we have too many issues on that anyway.

    I agree that the lack of communication has long been the weakness of WGT, but will point out poor camera angles are a result of adding "improvements" like new holes. Sadly when the early courses were photographed I do not think they had these planned - lack of vision in other words.

    I also agree that what this game, and any industry and company needs, is competition. Only then can we make comparisons based on actual experiences rather than promises and hype. This is still a great game, but could and should be so much better. Yes they need to listen to the customers concerns, but this issue is not one of them IMO.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 8:37 PM


    Not hating just giving my two cents on WGT.

    Apologies if this is taking the wrong way.

    Not at all.  This place is for different opinion's.  

    I agree with  Alan's elucidation on the matter as well.

    Like most I want things cheaper but gifting will not be the way as that would encourage multi accounting.  I would love to see WGT drop their prices, as much as most, same as we mostly want many things cheaper. Overall I don't think this game is bad value, but without intimate knowledge of working capital assuming what their profit is can't be done, and rest is simply pi$$ing in the wind............Now some one comes here and says NET NET Profit is 98.99% of expenditure or something almost as daft, and it's 3 billion annual profit in total then that may well be unfair trading IMO.  No figures though all guess work!

    Again no offense, just way I see it....

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 9:57 PM

    I'm against gifting. If everyone just passed everything down the game would have to be financed differently and I'd hate to see green fees or an increase in ball prices. Just my opinion, no insults required.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Jul 24 2013 12:53 AM

    This, and it would be too easy to pass the riches from one account to your next one.

    IMHO it is excluded by the fact that we don't own the equipment which we "buy" - it's more of a license to use the software features - see the T&Cs.

  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Wed, Jul 24 2013 3:06 AM

    Understand everyone's points entirely and nice for us too all have our different views i think customer feedback on certain aspects are very important for any game and i for one like sharing views and points. Appreciate everyone's input here this is good.



  • banano72
    3 Posts
    Wed, Jul 24 2013 7:50 PM

    It could actually generate more income sine the guys that spend to have the top notch equipment will continue to do so and the guys that don’t spend would actually be "paying" bye the one that gives the gift 50% of the value of the new one it’s actually 25% difference but could encourage more gifting.

    I know this is a business that’s why I said pay 50% of the value to pass it to a friend.