I feel like I am missing something on adding friends. I have read the FAQ which says to click "Add Friend" next to their picture, but I am not seeing that button on the person I would like to add's profile.
What am I doing wrong?
you should see it. can you try another browser and see if it's there?
I viewed the page in Chrome (what I normally use), Firefox and IE and none of them have an add button on the profile page for me to add them.
Maybe this will help ...
Good to know what it SHOULD look like, but when looking at profiles of people I am not friends with, I am not seeing that button.
It doesn't seem like a browser specific problem...there is something else going wrong that is not displaying that for me.
Sorry TMoore. Hopefully WGTIcon or customer service can help.
Looks like you're having trouble with the javascript. Can you look at the source code at line 190 on a friend's page that you what to invite, and see if you have this
<img src="http://media5.wgt.com/assets/community/images/wgt/profile/button_addasfriend.gif?0.52.4925.24038_1016" alt="Add as Friend"/></a>
Have you already sent them a friend invite and they have not yet responded ?
Or have they tried to send you an invite ?
Do you see add friend on anyones page ?
I had a Java update, applied it, but still no dice.
I don't have the Add Friend option for anyone I'm not friends with.
I sure hope support can help, because there appears to be some issue that is over my head here.
Can anyone help? Mods? or am I relegated to only friending people I actually play with?