andyson:Oh so close DaddyKat! But not within 2 degrees, sorry. Next try, don't guess at the length of the shadow, look at the photo again and with a couple of estimates you can calculate the length.
So your estimate of the length of the flag's shadow is exact? This gal's calling BS, professor! LOL.
Since the rules of perspective (in art) are at play, and since the flag is not at the true corner of the grid or intersects the grid at the true corner, the difference in length between the shadow and each corner of the grid is merely speculative ... and while your guess is different than mine (and probably closer, since you employed the Pythagorean theorem), you can't honestly tell me that you know the shadow's true length. (How's that for a whiny student's argument? Pretty slick employing the laws of perspective, IMO!)
Anyway, thanks for the "so close" ... I'm going to leave that shadow length to the real math majors and engineers on the site to determine the angle of the sun.
Do I get kudos for using the correct calculation at least? I'll take a C- since it's just a quiz! I did show my work (somewhat)!
This little nerd thanks you for the fun, professor Andyson!
Excuse me ... I think the 28,42 degree angle of the sun says it's Jack:45!
Edit: 6' shadow = 49 degrees. ROFL!