guess its ok for forum regulars to abuse other players as long as they do it politely :-)
YankeeJim: smknJ:skulking around the shadows? Yeah, posting needless crap on other's walls. That's what skulkers do. We'll leave this up to WGT. You got your answer. Here's a link for you to enjoy in the meantime. :-)
smknJ:skulking around the shadows?
Yeah, posting needless crap on other's walls. That's what skulkers do.
We'll leave this up to WGT. You got your answer.
Here's a link for you to enjoy in the meantime. :-)
needless crap? maybe to you, i called you a loser because you have stalked me from post 1. like i said i only came to these forums to point out a lvl 80 with a average of 58 in the tour pro tier. im not here to argue with you.
Steven1163: guess its ok for forum regulars o abuse other players as long as they do it politely :-)
guess its ok for forum regulars o abuse other players as long as they do it politely :-)
its fine hes a jerk i don't think anyone would deny that.
why is this guy such an ***?? you must be the real life 40 y/o virgin
me thinks thou dost protest too much!!