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Couple of newbie questions.

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jul 26 2013 11:52 PM (8 replies)
  • Talluin
    257 Posts
    Fri, Jul 26 2013 5:14 AM

    Hey good people of WGT!

    I'm a new player, completely hooked sadly....bang goes the wifes summer holiday ;)

    OK i have some genuine enquiries and hope you experienced people can advise.  I get that i need more playing time, i've been playing pretty solidly for a day or two and am now level 21.  I know it's probably nothing to shout about but believe me, i feel a sense of achievement.

    I've read dozens and dozens of forum posts/guides/tips etc and getting a lot of conflicting information regarding equipment at lower levels.  

    first question: Will an upgrade of equipment benefit me at this level? I have the start plus bits and pieces, far better than the EZ sticks.  I was looking to get some better irons but many people seem to say that wedges and a putter is of more use.  Even at my level? or not?

    Of course i'd love to have a top driver, and top putter and top everything else but i'll work on gearing up, might be nice to get a leg-up though, if its worth it.

    second question:  Are there actually any tournaments for proper genuine newbies?  i mean who are shooting perhaps 2 or 3 under par(not that i am, my best score is +3 lol, damn putting)

    I've started playing some of the freebie ones and don't actually ever end up completing them because it seems like you need to score an eagle on every hole or be 20mm from every flag.

    My best learning experience so far has come from playing match play games.  Mostly, the high level players see me and 'decline' or 'leave' but very occasionally, a high level player will stay and all i can say is a massive thank you to those that have.  i know i'm not much of a challenge to all the geared out dudes but trust me, you're the guys that make people like me WANT to get better!

    Anyone fancy a game anytime, shout me.  be quick tho, because i'm gonna get at least 1 round under par today then there will be no stopping me :D



  • SeabrookFlash
    463 Posts
    Fri, Jul 26 2013 11:05 AM

    Just a couple of thoughts regarding your questions. I don't know how long it will take you to reach levels 29-33 but at that point there is some really nice equipment that is available. You have heard right that putters and wedges are very important. A good driver won't hurt you either.  This game is all about close proximity to the pin and putting.  Most top players have forgone the hybrid club in favor of 3 wedges.  Once you upgrade, you might consider this strongly.  I was just looking at the Pro Shop and discovered that the following equipment will begin to become available at level 29.  Here are some suggestions.  The R-11 driver at level 29, The R-11 3 wood at level 30.  The R-11 irons at level 32.  I am quite partial to the upper level R-11 gear and think that you will benefit from these.  The Cleveland wedges start becoming available to you at level 31.  I would get a 64 degree wedge as soon as possible.  I carry a 64,60 and 54 degree wedge. The 64 degree wedge will become your best friend.  As for putters at your level, The odyssey versa #1 becomes available to you at level 33.  Depending on your ability to make all these upgrades I would probably lean toward driver,putter wedge,irons.  Also don't forget the golf ball.  The WGT golf balls are very good and not too expensive.  I used the WGT G-13-S ball until I got to Legend and I just had to have more distance.  These will also slow down the meter speed .   I would just concentrate on playing ranked rounds for now and you will level up quickly.  If you play each day you receive a bonus for that and after 8 days of continuous play, you get an extra 880 points each day that you keep the streak alive. You will notice the bonus on the screen after you complete a ranked round.    Also look around for a Country Club to join.  You can probably find one with a bunch of players that are closer to your level of play.  Players in any good country club won't quit on you and will give you some pointers about how to better play your game. I hope you find this helpful    

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Jul 26 2013 11:27 AM

    Wedges first and putter last in my opinion. Practice helps a lot too.

  • Talluin
    257 Posts
    Fri, Jul 26 2013 11:42 AM

    Hi Seabrook,

    This is exactly the kind of help/advice i was looking for.  I don't mind spending some decent amount of credits on equipment that is going to see me alright.  I just didn't want to rush into the pro shop like a kid in a sweetshop if it won't benefit me until i am in the higher echelons.

    I will assume I will reach those levels quite soon, just changed my job so work from home.  A ranked round, ok what is this?  Is it the tournaments?  

    I have played loads of rounds through strokeplay and tournaments but hardly ever finish them because it seemed rather pointless to be somewhere like 15,000,000,000 on the leaderboard!

    I'm getting closer to breaking par, i'm overjoyed at the experience i've gained today.  i think the first thing i need to do is bin the putter, it properly lets my score down, tee to green i'm generally ok, obviously struggle with the length on the longer holes!

    I have a soft spot for cleveland....i bought a set of TA7's about 6 years ago(secondhand from a local club pro) went from 13 to 7 in a few weeks.  was playing with a budget mizuno set previously (mx15's).

    opinions on the spider putter? seems a decent upgrade for a fairly reasonable cost, until i can get my hands on the odyssey.

    Thank you very much for this advice Seabrook :)

  • SeabrookFlash
    463 Posts
    Fri, Jul 26 2013 12:55 PM

    First when you hit PLAY NOW,  you are setting up a round and select which course to play,  You can look to the left hand side of  the screen and the default is for a "ranked" round.  That is, it will count toward your average score and you will get points when you complete it.  The points are how you reach the next level.  the better you play the lower your average will go and you will eventually move from Hack to amateur, to pro etc.

    So much of the equipemnt has come out since I started WGT I really don't have a lot of first hand experience with much of it.  I have however used the Spyder putter that you are looking at and I liked it when I had it.  I went from there to the Redwood putter and then the upper lever ghost spyder putter, which I love. I'll send you a friend invite and we can tee it up if you wish.  I wonder if you use Skype. It is a fun way to play the game and not have to do all sorts of typing. And it is free.

  • GolfingJMan
    71 Posts
    Fri, Jul 26 2013 3:17 PM

    You can gain experience points by playing practice rounds (select "Practice" on the top of the menu when you create a game).  This helps you to gain points and knowledge without wrecking your average and getting inconsistent conditions for different courses - you can personally select your conditions.  You can practice your wedge landing distances with different power levels from different lies in Practice mode (by purposefully hitting into rough/bunkers) without worrying about scoring/stats.  Using free ball is preferred for learning, as you won't have to calculate different distances for different balls.  The same goes for putting.


    I am a free-unlimited ball user 99% of the time, as I don't want to waste credits on balls (especially when I go in the water) when I mainly play for relaxation and enjoyment. Betting, and competing for credits can be life wrecking.


    [All club suggestions are based on using the free-unlimited ball.  The suggestions allow for significant usage time to gain knowledge of the club's performance while collecting more free credits with surveys, videos, etc.  Once proficiency is gained, enough credits should be amassed to buy the next club on the list.  These are just suggestions, any order can be used.]




    Odyssey Versa #1 Black Putter (L33+)  1,795  


    I still use the starter putter, I’m pretty proficient with it. during a free rental weekend I used the L33 Odyssey, it is the only other putter I’ve used.


    The other putter that might be a good buy is the iWi Anser Series Putter (L28+) 400 Credits.

    It has a similar swing meter speed as the R11s and R1 driver, so it won’t be a big difference between clubs.





    TaylorMade ATV 60° Wedge (L39+) 495 Credits


    TaylorMade ATV 54° Wedge (L38+) 495 Credits


    MAX Spin Wedge 64° Wedge (L52+) 895 Credits


    These suggestions may seem expensive, but they are very good quality.  I personally waited a while to get the MAX Spin wedge, it is very, very good with the free ball (causes backspin of about 5-7 yards from the fairway and gets good “plop-stop” out of 20-25 rough)




    TaylorMade R11 Iron Set (Steel) (L32+) 1,995 Credits


    These clubs have 3½ dots forgiveness, easy to get used to swing meter, and should last you till the G20 Iron Set (Steel) (L83+) 2,695 Credits.  The L83+  G20s have less forgiveness, so I personally think the R11 Irons (L32+) are good enough to last you for the rest of the game, if you play them right.   Of course, depending on your purposes.


    The only other iron set I would come close to suggesting is: 2010 Rapture V2 Iron Set (Graphite) (L48+).  However these V2 irons have only 2 dots spin and go to 200 yards for the 3 Iron (so you might need a hybrid thus reducing your wedges.  


    Any other set of irons I would not suggest, they have fast meter, or low forgiveness (missing the chime line=shot goes way away from aim), or low (less than 3 dots) spin.





    TaylorMade R11 3 Wood (L30+)  Avg. Distance 227 395 Credits


    TaylorMade R11S 3 Wood (L41+) Avg.Distance 230 695 Credits


    300 more credits for 3 more yards (it matters), every other spec is exactly the same.  I paid the 300 because I used the R11s 3 Wood as a driver, the choice to wait 11 more levels and pay 300 more credits for 3 more yards is up to you.  Either of these woods should last you to the Ping G20 3 Fairway Wood 14° (L81+) or the R11S 3 Wood (L95+).


    All other fairway woods either have Medium (not high) Trajectory (which means less stopping power, and more running through greens from 210+ yards away) or a fast meter, or low (less than 3 dots) forgiveness, or low (less than 3 dots) precision (which means inconsistent yardages.)




    TaylorMade R1 TP 9.0 White Driver (Aldila 65 shaft)(L48+)  Avg Dist. 275 2,495 Credits


    This driver can last you up to Legend tees (I’ve played practice rounds on Championship tees and done pretty good with this driver and free-ball) and with 4½ dots forgiveness allows for fading and drawing around doglegs.


    Callaway X Hot 10.5 Driver (L67+) Avg. Dist. 278 2,195 Credits 

    This is exactly like the R1 driver with 3 more yards distance  for 300 credits less but you have to wait 19 more levels (76,000 more XP points).


    Rocketballz 9.5° Driver (L69+) Avg. Dist 275 1,595 Credits

    Slower meter but only 3 forgiveness, 900 credits cheaper, still a good deal but I still suggest R1 or Callaway  and it unlocks at 135,015 xp points (way away)


    TaylorMade R11S 9.5 Driver (L40+) Avg.Dist.257 1,695 Credits


    If you can’t wait that long to level 48 or don’t want to spend 2495 credits, this is a good driver 4½ Forgiveness


                                SUGGESTED ORDER OF PURCHASE


    1st R11(s) 3 Wood (L31/40) works as driver and 3 Wood

                                                     395/695 Cr

    2nd R11 Irons (L33)                   1,995 Cr

    3rd ATV 60° Wedge (L39)             495 Cr

    4th R1 Driver (L48)                     2,495 Cr

    5th Max Spin 64° wedge (L52)       895 Cr

    6th ATV 54° Wedge (L38)              495 Cr

    7th Putter Odessey Versa (33)    1,795 Cr



    P.S. Believe me, I know this game can be addicting, but don't neglect other important things like family.

  • muttsnutts69
    283 Posts
    Fri, Jul 26 2013 3:19 PM

    Don't know much about equipment as I went from Starters to G20's in one quick move.

    However I would recommend you finish every round you start, whatever your score.

    You will not be popular in any Country Club if you WD from tournaments.

  • Talluin
    257 Posts
    Fri, Jul 26 2013 3:42 PM

    I most certainly wouldn't finish mid tournament if there was anyone else involved.  however bad i was doing!  i'm talking about the unlimited tournaments and the strokeplay that i play alone.  however, now that it's been made clear that to level up tier that way(by completing rounds) i've just levelled!


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Jul 26 2013 11:52 PM

    My advice would be not to abort playing, even in single mode, unless you have an important issue in real life demanding it.

    Each round brings XPs counting for the level, each tournament round brings double XPs. Most of us never contended in the lower level tournaments because there are "very talented" players around who work the game to their advantage.

    I'd rather have a look at the course awards. Sometimes I just used an 18 holes weekly tournament to improve my own score, get another award. Even if it might not show, the number is proof of your skills.

    Plus, finishing a round or a single hole from the "Courses" tab every day will eventually bring you 880 XPs.

    And if you want to save credits on the putter, don't get the Anser but wait for another one between 500 and 1000 credits.

    My 2 Pfennig.