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practice putting greens

Fri, Jun 22 2012 1:21 PM (10 replies)
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    1 Posts
    Fri, May 8 2009 9:16 PM

    wgt needs to add pratice putting greens to practice on

    driving range would be cool also


    4 Posts
    Fri, May 15 2009 7:40 AM

    These are a MUST. Why waste the time playing 9-18 holes trying to figure out your impossible putting

    system when it would be figured out faster and easier with a practice putting area where you can work

    on just that? Same with driving (except driving is way easier). One more thought....... making

    outcome of shots realistic would be nice. How in the heck can you have enough distance, be lined up,

    hit almost dead on the middle mark, and go veering left or right 50 feet ?? How can you be less than a

    foot from the hole and  have it ricochet 10 feet when you have only 1/2 inch pulled on the drive meter?

    I can see by the forums that I am not the only one having these issues.


  • MissJT
    20 Posts
    Thu, Jun 2 2011 11:58 AM

    I do belive your on to something Michiganwil .. I would also like to see them at the different teir levels .. such as slow to tourney  and all inbetween .. or to beable to chose which you would like to practice on as you can when setting up practice games or matchs. This would help our game 100% I do believe ... tysm for the post .. Hope WGT takes notice .. As this counts I think I read for the major part of our scores ..  Good Putting to you Michiganwill..... Lynn aka MissJT .

  • hawk0717
    7 Posts
    Thu, Jun 2 2011 3:50 PM

    Everybody, let's not forget chipping and pitching. I am experiencing a horrible time getting these recovery shots close to the pins. My game could be 5 to 6 shots better if this part of my game was solid. Control and, primarily, distance is my issue. I'm told chips have a 25% airtime and 75% roll time. So if I am using a wedge for 20yds, then five will be in the air and 15 on the ground, considering all other factors i.e., break and speed of the green. I don't care what I do, I always end up SEVERAL feet pass the pins.  This is very frustrating! Obviously, there's a way to perfect this since so many players are achieving master and legend levels.

    A practice area would be wonderful. As an aside, however, can anyone impart some chipping and pitching wisdom?


  • pejon60
    250 Posts
    Thu, Jun 2 2011 4:03 PM



    I turned LEGEND 4 days ago and have not had greens running at the same speed for any of those 4 days They are all over the bloody place

    The first day I found them running at about 65% of distance flat.

    The next day they were 70%

    Yesterday they were running at 80%

    Today I just played St Andrews front 9 and they were ALL of those

    For FSake get it consistent ...these aren't real greens ..we can't walk on them or see the grain or feel the slope

    We can only go by a consistent distance to power ratio and slope and dot speed that is a TRUE representation of the movement!!

  • _radar_
    26 Posts
    Thu, Jun 2 2011 8:16 PM

    Just play the game and stop whining! If you want to score stupid low scores bog off to TWo. This game is very true to life, would be no fun at all if everytime you played each hole they were the same.

  • Rimblou
    6 Posts
    Thu, Jun 2 2011 9:05 PM



    Did you suggest this to WGT back 09 and if so did u get response. Excellent idea

    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2011 2:19 AM

    This subject has been done and done and done once more

    Its the most popular gripe/ suggestion we all have.

    There is this place:
    Some members go there for the practice green.


    I believe one of the other popular suggestions is  more male avatar options and or. the ability to mix and match shirts/ pants with avatars bought.


    and a metric system....


    oh...and the ability to gift your unused clubs

  • Oxygene
    26 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2011 12:15 PM

    I'd also like to see a Practice ground with targets and nets to hone short game skills,and even a night time driving bay like some courses have.

  • Ringdacup
    1 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 5:24 AM

    I second that.

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