By the incredible prices for Elite items from the pro shop, every purchase (IMO) represents some form of affectation.
Example: I like the look of the WGT logo caps, but you don't wear one indoors while you're playing - you wear them theoretically when on the real golf course (for me, less than twenty times per season, at my age).
Yet if one were to purchase the necessary credits to buy one of these caps (just as an evaluation), that would be 120.00 for a cap that cost about 2.00 to produce, and even the highest priced selling "official" pro merchandise cap sells for less then 1/4 of that 120.00!
Now, there is a counterpoint - that most WGT credits are not paid for.
But that only means in cash, which totally discounts the 100s of hours of video viewing, survey taking, and the constant play to earn credits from filling up the "cookie jar" of carousel views to reach enough credits to shop the Elites..
All I'm asking of WGT for the purchase of any Elite collection item is that they also include (with purchase) two complimentary sleeves of virtual balls from Tailor made Lethals or higher in price/value. Most players, I imagine would prefer Nike, if programming can only be done for one particular ball.
The cost to WGT should be ... zero, but it might be enough to make someone "bite" on an Elite item rather than waffle, like I am currently doing.