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putter pal and shot pal

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jul 28 2013 1:54 AM (6 replies)
  • ocaisin
    24 Posts
    Sat, Jul 27 2013 4:30 PM

    anybody know how to get rid of these for good


  • RTR467
    2 Posts
    Sat, Jul 27 2013 4:34 PM

    use em up

  • SwingingRoofer
    456 Posts
    Sat, Jul 27 2013 4:46 PM

    don't know y u would want to but go into options n u will see it there

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Sat, Jul 27 2013 6:16 PM

    don't purchase them either. If you got them for free than when you are in game console can go to options and turn them off , but if you clear cache it comes back. Default setting for them is on so you have to turn them off, just a couple of clicks, or play some practice rounds with starter ball and mess about and use em all up

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, Jul 27 2013 6:49 PM


    don't know y u would want to

    It puts me right off, I cant play a decent shot with it.

  • HWei
    534 Posts
    Sat, Jul 27 2013 6:57 PM


    anybody know how to get rid of these for good


    2 ways by getting rid is by going to your Menu click on shot pal/putter pal turned it off  or just used them up play in practice mode until it runs out of either one, but use your starter ball so that u don't

    use any ball that you've purchased.

       Whatever you do don't  get it so that it won't show in your inventory ?

  • kiminD
    47 Posts
    Sun, Jul 28 2013 1:54 AM

    got the 200hits one for free a couple of weeks ago. been using the 'shotpal display -> OFF' under the Menu -> options but they keep showing up after every cache cleaning.


    finally i tried using them up on practice rounds, feels good to finally see my meter clear of that nuisance. so yeah, best method: use them up until theyre all gone. i even maxed out all my shots for each hole in practice mode just to get rid of them quicker.


    but be careful when you're down to the last hit tho, the option of 'buy now for 50 creds' auto pops up, the big beartrap you'd definitely wanna say no to.