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Struggling to find games

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Mon, Jul 29 2013 2:08 AM (16 replies)
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  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Sun, Jul 28 2013 2:44 PM

    thx Mush .. accepted

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Sun, Jul 28 2013 2:50 PM

    n1 bud , anytime i'm green i'm up for anything .....


    I been thinking, I think you may be onto something here chris , save all the heartache of someone ditching , and at least you can call ya mates if they do it lol .

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2013 12:37 AM


    n1 bud , anytime i'm green i'm up for anything .....


    I been thinking, I think you may be onto something here chris , save all the heartache of someone ditching , and at least you can call ya mates if they do it lol .

    yeah, i'm sick of playing with whiny randoms when I cannot find a few on my friends list to make up a 4-ball ..

    I've found that many "playing partners" kinda get uptight if you don't put every friggin' shot 1 ft from the pin for them to tap in .. they kinda expect that of you and to win all the time just because you've got sub-60 avg .. as if we're not allowed to step back and just have a fun round with some fellas .. also doesn't help much when I try explain i'm only playin' a/s for the fun & company and not worried about throwing darts all day long ..

    better to have relaxed round or 2 with like minded guys .. and who don't mind talking some smack and taking cheap shots from their "opponents" .. lol 

    some of the most fun games I've had was when we were all pizzen' ourselves laughing so much that it took our best efforts just to keep the ball in play .. with your opponents doing their best to unsettle your rhythm .. kinda like "anything goes, gloves off" chit talking back & forth .. serious fun & laughs

  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2013 1:16 AM

    That sounds like a lot of fun!

    I've enjoyed many a late night playing some of the "Big  Dogs" on here as well; just having a grand old time and seeing who can yank each others chain the longest in between shots. Now that's fun times hanging out together and not worrying about your average in ranked rounds. Glad to see you back Chris; it's been awhile.

    Would be an honor taking Chit while playing a fun round with others. LMAO

    Invite sent

  • txzdave
    1,316 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2013 1:23 AM

    Gotta slink around late night/early morning....My Woman doesn't understand. Good Lawd, I'm almost ashamed to wanna kick some callys around w/ your kind. I said ALMOST. Random games are still one of my favorite th......Gotta go, here she comes.

  • dbadeaux
    759 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2013 1:26 AM

    some of the most fun games I've had was when we were all pizzen' ourselves laughing so much that it took our best efforts just to keep the ball in play

    I was with a CC that played blitzes @ Wolf Creek, not with the purpose of getting the ball close to the pin, but to see who could get the best bounces off the rocks or cartpaths!  Now, that was fun!  Was interesting to see who would (A) Forget to switch to range balls before playing, and (B) Forget to switch back to their regular ball for tourny play.

    I miss those days...anyway, I'd love to add you to friend list and play some A/S and Off the Rock Blitz with you, but my frustration level with the game is off the charts right now so I'm taking a leave...when/if I make it back, I'll look you up.


  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2013 2:08 AM

    thx fellas .. more replies than I honestly expected .. when I see any of you green i'll throw out the invite

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