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At end of rope re WGT MM original(meter)

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jul 28 2013 5:35 PM (8 replies)
  • dasilversurfer
    616 Posts
    Sun, Jul 28 2013 2:25 PM

    Got to the point where I am ready to quit WGT for real life, lol.

    My problem is meter. This happens with three different browsers. I have cleared cache(twice). I have deleted browsing history. I upgraded internet speed and ran is so fast it overtook that red F-Type Jaguar we had to watch endlessly in pop-up ads.

    My meter does not stutter. It totally stops. Usually twice. And then takes off way faster than the human eye can see. It is especially bad on putts. I have to take 8 t0 10 stop and go practice swings before i get one continuous green moving line.

    I am using Windows 8 which I recently got as a replacement OS. Was as smooth as can be for a while.

    Anybody got a fix for this.

    I am a CC owner so I will be forced to run CC and never play again unlessI can fix it.

    Cheers, Surfy.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jul 28 2013 2:49 PM

    Try another PC with a lower Windows version.

    If everything fails, you might pass the CC to another owner.

    Good luck to you!

  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Sun, Jul 28 2013 2:53 PM

    Found this info the forums about a week ago after having similar issues with Chrome.

     Maxthon 4 also called Maxthon cloud

    Meter smooth as butter & slow enough to ding the meter 98% of the time.

    Only issue I have had is sometimes being disconnected trying to play a match play game with others & the attributes and sometimes the pictures of equipment in the Pro Shop don't appear in this browser.

    So I leave that for Chrome: Pro Shop purchasing, reading forums, playing others

    But when I want to get serious about playing a great round I use Maxthon 4 ; it's that much better.

    Just noticed this lol

     Surfer from the 80's   Hope you are catching some good waves!

  • theShoeman
    139 Posts
    Sun, Jul 28 2013 4:40 PM


    Got to the point where I am ready to quit WGT for real life, lol.

    My problem is meter. This happens with three different browsers. I have cleared cache(twice). I have deleted browsing history. I upgraded internet speed and ran is so fast it overtook that red F-Type Jaguar we had to watch endlessly in pop-up ads.

    My meter does not stutter. It totally stops. Usually twice. And then takes off way faster than the human eye can see. It is especially bad on putts. I have to take 8 t0 10 stop and go practice swings before i get one continuous green moving line.

    I am using Windows 8 which I recently got as a replacement OS. Was as smooth as can be for a while.

    Anybody got a fix for this.

    I am a CC owner so I will be forced to run CC and never play again unlessI can fix it.

    Cheers, Surfy.

    Turn OFF Anti Virus / Malware

     Turn Off  POP-UP Blockers

    Check Task Manager to see what is running in background

    ( recommend Tune Up Utilities ) 


    Performance troubleshooter 

    Open the Performance troubleshooter by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type troubleshooter, and then click Troubleshooting. Under System and Security, click Check for performance issues.


    Stop ALL automatic updates on programs


    Install more memory

  • tiger319
    1,186 Posts
    Sun, Jul 28 2013 5:00 PM

    I agree!!


  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Sun, Jul 28 2013 5:18 PM

    +100% shoe m8

  • JayB71
    5 Posts
    Sun, Jul 28 2013 5:27 PM

    After reading everyones replies I've noticed nobody has asked if your aware of how many services or programs you have starting up with your pc which you may not know of ...the more items that load when your pc starts up the more memory and ram it has already used and will continue to use while the pc is running. What got my attention is when you mentioned it "used" to be smooth as can be I would personally look there amongst the other items that theshoeman has mentioned

  • JayB71
    5 Posts
    Sun, Jul 28 2013 5:35 PM

    my apologies Shoe i need to read a little more carefully you did cover what I had also mentioned