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Wed, Aug 14 2013 1:27 PM (25 replies)
  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2013 10:21 PM

    4 games? It takes at least a hundred to understand this game. To tough for you I guess.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 5:00 AM


    No, he's right.  Putting sucks.  I've been playing golf video games for years, back since my computer was a 286 with an all-green monitor.  None of them have had putting nearly as atrocious as this.  Just because you've learned to make the most of a bad thing doesn't magically make it a good thing.  "Bro."

    Yo Bro

    go play tigger woods bro,  sorry assed mo fo!!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 5:12 AM

     I've been playing golf video games for years, back since my computer was a 286 with an all-green monitor.  None of them have had putting nearly as atrocious as this.

    So have I and "atrocious" needs to be replaced with "hard." Putting is always the difference and it's hard as hell here unless you practice and pay attention.  It's never easy if you can't get close on the approach but then that's the way the real game is. Odd part is it gets easier the more you practice.. :-)

  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 6:26 AM

    when i started this game hitting fairways and greens was never a problem the problem was my putting. i was getting so frustraited with it i new i could be a pretty good player if i could only putt. thankfully now i have learned to be a good putter and thats the difference between a gr8 round to a normal round theres plenty videos on you tube its them what i watched to learn the putting.  as for tiger woods i played that game once and once only its far to easy i had starter clubs shot -6 front 9 riviera on first attempt. dont get me wrong this game has the odd issue here and there but it is the best online golf game.

  • TSamuelson1
    7 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 7:18 AM

    It's not "putting is hard" whining, of course there's a learning curve (and an equipment curve).  It's that the mechanics are awful.  It's not smooth at all.  The putting "grid" doesn't follow the contours of the green nearly as well as it should, and the ball doesn't either once you strike it.  The "speed at which the dots move" element is a completely useless one that could be done away with entirely by having a well-done contour grid.  When I'm golfing in meatspace, I don't have to drop balls all over the green and watch how fast they roll to get an idea of the break.  I can tell by the evidence of my eyes.

    You know, it's perfectly legitimate to have complaints about a game's shortcomings.  Do you like every single thing about every single video game in existence?  Of course you don't.  Obviously it's not enough to stop me from playing - I'm still here, and frankly I think a lot of things about WGT are excellent for a "free" game.  But that doesn't mean I'm putting blinders on and drinking the kool-aid.  The putting mechanics deserve some serious work to bring them up to the level of some of this game's other features.

  • TSamuelson1
    7 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 8:31 AM


    4 games? It takes at least a hundred to understand this game. To tough for you I guess.

    I don't need to play 100 games to recognize bad mechanics any more than I would need to eat 100 Little Caesar's pizzas to recognize bad pizza.  As far as "too tough" goes, I'll be happy to look you up once I reach your level and can afford your clubs, and then whip you all over the course.

    Are you guys all WGT programmers?  Because you sure do take this personally.  "OMG, 7 million registered players and we all don't have exactly the same opinion!"

  • JasonNumber100
    2,912 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 10:38 AM

    If you've written this post to get attention, then congratulations.

    You seem to think you are an expert on video games. You've missed the point. This is a golf simulation, not a video game. I've played Tiger Woods, as I expect most of us have. You cannot compare.

    You want to be an expert immediately. Do you play golf in real life? Were you an expert immediately? Nowadays, everybody wants instant gratification. You can't putt on here, so you blame the game. You've not even given the game a chance. If you want an easy game to play, then go and play Tiger Woods or Mario Brothers Golf. You obviously don't want the challenge. You have to work at this. We have all started where you are.

    If you worked through it you would get the satisfaction of achieving something. Most of the players on here are golfers, not video gamers. I think maybe this is not the game for you, but don't attack it because you don't have the skill or perserverance to work it out.

    People on here are willing to help. I wish I had asked for help when I first started. You are entitled to your opinion, but if you stick with it you'll get more satisfaction from this game than shooting a round of 50 in a cartoon game.



  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 11:09 AM

    I'm at a bit of a loss to understand why you "feel" (note I did not say 'think') that a topographical contour map would be a better indicator of  greens behavior than the grid/dots system.  There aren't many surveyors among the players here and for most, a topo map would be hopelessly confusing.

    Doesn't really matter - the grid and dots are how the creators of WGT chose to depict the greens. Rather obviously, enough people understand this depiction to make it a very popular site.

    As you read more of the posts on this Forum, you will find that several of those responding to your comment are long time (and pretty darned good) players here - they are not 'fanboy' types (especially not Creamer - LOL).

  • TSamuelson1
    7 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 11:15 AM


    If you've written this post to get attention, then congratulations.

    You seem to think you are an expert on video games. You've missed the point. This is a golf simulation, not a video game. I've played Tiger Woods, as I expect most of us have. You cannot compare.

    You want to be an expert immediately. Do you play golf in real life? Were you an expert immediately? Nowadays, everybody wants instant gratification. You can't putt on here, so you blame the game. You've not even given the game a chance.


    It's not about attention.  It's not about wanting to be an expert immediately, as I understand what a learning curve is and expect it from any quality game.  It's not about being an expert on video games, although playing video games since the mid 70s, including I'm sure at least 50 different golf games, does give me a certain level of experience to speak from.  It's about poor mechanics and how they could be executed better.  That's it.  No game is perfect, and every single one of my all-time favorites has flaws.  And the flaws in WGT's putting don't mean that it can't end up on that all-time favorites list someday too.

    I'm perfectly happy with my level of skill (including skill at putting) after only completing four rounds of varying lengths.  I fully expect to improve with time and better equipment.  I am not a moron, I know how this works.  Feel free to disagree with my opinion, it's a free country.  Just stop trying to make it about all this crap that it's not so that you can feel macho by insulting my mentality, video game prowess, whatever.

    By the way, there are other golf games and/or "simulators" than Tiger Woods.  I was playing some of them when he was still in diapers.  You guys should maybe find a different dead horse to beat.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 11:28 AM

    There aren't many surveyors among the players here and for most, a topo map would be hopelessly confusing.

    I respectfully disagree. His complaint about the dots not really following the contours has some validity. Why do you think the advice on some putts is to "memorize" the correct line? The mapping isn't the greatest in some places and the shadows are misleading.

     Personally, I'd like to see either more dots or that topographical representation where you can see the ups and downs in the graph. I asked about this once and it appears a 3D rendering in a 2D atmosphere isn't practical. I think a finer grid would be nice but then there's Flash issues to deal with.

    It is tough when you're first learning but it does get easier the more you see the putts.