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You WTG Mods, read this.

rated by 0 users
Sat, Aug 3 2013 6:04 PM (29 replies)
  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2013 8:18 PM

    WGT just crashed on the last hole of a skins match where I had won 3400 credits on the last shots


    Put a post on shoe's wall that you need help with this. He should get back to you soon.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2013 10:19 PM


    let me clarify something:)

    1. we have no desire to see anyone lose, there is no reason what soever for us to create situations like that.

    2. the 3 disconnect rule is needed for many reasons, with some stated already... unfortunately, there is no middle ground cause some things no one can foresee.

    3. please email us about the game at and provide details of what happened and who you played it... I am not sure what can be done, but we will do our best to look at it.



  • jackasper
    47 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2013 10:47 PM


    Why not ask these guys -

    LMAO !!

  • Tonto0206
    460 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2013 1:44 AM

    Emailing WGT does work, I have done it twice for shots that hit the hole on the ful and rebounded into water - lost ball. On both occasions I reported this stating how unfair it was for a good shot to be punished this way.

    Both times reimbursement was received in very prompt order.

    Hi Ho

    1,189 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2013 6:50 AM



    You haven't played an 18 hole skins game, at least not recently.

    Your last 6  x 9 hole skins games you have won 6 skins.

    Perhaps you should keep your credits for other things

    Last 9 hole skins i played, i won 0 skins at kiawah back9

    The most recent 18 holes skins match i played was at st.andrews at which i got timed out because for some reason it showed none of the 3 players were finished loading.. so i waited for few more minutes.

    I created this post right after i got timed out. I am pretty sure the other 2 opponents are still playing.

    John is completely correct here. Your history shows exactly zero skins matches of any kind in the entire month of July (both challenge AND practice modes ALWAYS show up and it WOULD show you won zero skins in an 18 hole match, if you got disconnected). So I'm baffled why did you write this. I can think of 3 options:

    1. A simple mistake, combined with a short term memory loss (due to whatever)

    2. An attempt to raise some sympathy and a refund from WGT for the credits you lost in 9 hole matches.

    3. A BS lie, just to complain about something and entice comments (in which cases you succeeded, clap, clap).


    I hope it's the reason No. 1, cause I really can't see any point in other 2.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2013 4:01 PM

    Thank you Jure. I like being completely correct, lol

    What I don't like is bullsh1t topics like this one.


    Detective Oneeye

  • ArmeniaKidd
    99 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2013 4:37 PM


    On my profile under activity, i am looking straight at it.. July 29 2013 

    • ArmeniaKidd won 0 skins in a 9-hole Skins Game on Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course.

    This was the most recent skins that i was able complete. Right after that game i started an 18holes st.andrews game on challenge mode, which i got timed out with.

    I played against Niketm and johnboyt, you can message those two people to receive validation.

    Lets get some things straighten out. 1- I am not a liar. 2- I will not go through all this trouble if i was to be giving a bs lie. (the link to a screenshot of me playing skins during the month of july)

    1,189 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2013 7:26 AM


    On my profile under activity, i am looking straight at it.. July 29 2013 

    • ArmeniaKidd won 0 skins in a 9-hole Skins Game on Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course.

    This was the most recent skins that i was able complete. Right after that game i started an 18holes st.andrews game on challenge mode, which i got timed out with.

    You seem to assume only the skins games you complete show in your activity. THEY DON'T. Every time you either forfeit or get timed out in a skins match, it will ALWAYS show up in your activities as zero skins won in a 9 or 18 hole skins match on the course you played, even if you get timed out before you take your first shot.

    And there still are no 18 holes skins matches in your activities, so the match you're writing about either never even started or it never happened. Which brings me back to my previous post on this subject and options 1 through 3. Take your pick. And again, I hope it was either option number 1 or that  you simply misunderstood what had happened.


  • ArmeniaKidd
    99 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2013 8:57 AM

    Thank you wtg. 

    After sending them an email, i've received a reply that as a good gesture i will receive my credits back, which i just did. 

    So for those few who were assuming i was lying, please pick your words wisely, and when you assume, you make an "ass out of "u" and "me".

    1,189 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2013 9:03 AM

    2. An attempt to raise some sympathy and a refund from WGT for the credits you lost in 9 hole matches.

    After sending them an email, i've received a reply that as a good gesture i will receive my credits back, which i just did. 

    So it was option number 2, lmao. Nice going.