im out of this joke of a site soon as my balls run out. heres a chance to win a sleeve of balls up to the value of 500 credits. i want to know what paula creamers bobby is.
ps legend plus only need apply first in with the correct answer gets them.
C'mon m8, u get fed up 'n down every other week. Can't have another great player disappear.
bichon.............don't quit.
Just want to say sorry to see you leave this game , try a little break , may be good , i dont need or want balls . Please change your mind . Frapp
all wrong anwsers so far
What's this about the 5th time? 6th time? See you soon.
wrong answer 2 if u cant answer question no need to reply
swing analysis mr lopez
wrong answer 2 i thaught this would have been answerd corectly pretty quick. looks like the creds will be safe lol