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Handicap Tournament

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Sat, Jan 31 2015 8:45 AM (10 replies)
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  • Billmc0714
    8 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2013 4:13 PM

    Can we have a Handicap Tournament?

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2013 5:15 PM

    Hi Bill,

    Since the course's slope rating and course rating is not displayed here on WGT, determining a player's handicap (or playing potential) would be difficult.  If you play real golf and are a member of the USGA or R&A, you probably know how one's handicap is determined.

    Since WGT keeps a players average based on their current tier and does not maintain a handicap for each player, it would be extremely difficult to determine each player's "playing potential".  First you would need to know the course rating for each of the courses on WGT.  Next, you would need to know the slope rating from the tee's.  You would then need to determine the player's adjusted score, then calculate the differential using the following calculation:

    Handicap Differential = (Adjusted Gross Score - Course Rating) x 113 / Slope Rating 

    This would need to be done for the last 20 scores posted by each player in the tournament.  Afterward, you would pick the lowest 10 handicap differentials and determine the average.  Taking this average and multiplying it by .96 would give you the player's handicap index.

    Now, you would take this index and calculate the course's handicap for the player as follows:

    (Player's Handicap Index X Course's slope rating from their designated tee box) / 113 = player's course handicap for said course. (rounded to a whole number)

    Each course has their own course rating and each tee on the course has a designated slope rating.  

    Now if you wish to calculate the handicaps for each player, forgoing adjusted scores and using just the player's scores, having a handicap tournament would be quite a bit of fun!  If you're willing to do the handicapping for each player, count me in!  Sounds like a lot of fun (but a lot of work).


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2013 3:08 AM

    There are tiered tournaments on the Tournament page or they would be available at any good country club.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2013 4:11 AM

    If you play real golf and are a member of the USGA or R&A, you probably know how one's handicap is determined.


    Handicap Differential = (Adjusted Gross Score - Course Rating) x 113 / Slope Rating 

    This would need to be done for the last 20 scores posted by each player in the tournament.  Afterward, you would pick the lowest 10 handicap differentials and determine the average.  Taking this average and multiplying it by .96 would give you the player's handicap index.

    I beg to differ, this would only have limited value, in the USA (USGA) and other countries which may have adopted it. I severely doubt that the R&A would publish this method which is not an integral part of the Rules of Golf.

    I can assure you that it's different for each of the multitude of British Golfing Unions (starting with Slope Rating which they don't use), and also for Germany and other European Golfing Unions which may have adopted the Course & Slope ratings but not the calculation method.


    These differences may be one reason for WGT to work with their special average rather than a HCP, legal reasons disregarded. And, the average does not affect a player's position in a tournament, it's tier and score only.

    Some CCs use online "handicaps" to equalize scores of their members, but I don't know which criteria are included there.

  • Billmc0714
    8 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2013 3:31 PM


    This means only people who can spend lots of money will ever win a tournament  I have a pro rating and that's based on what... how many rounds I played how can I be rated a pro when I have never shot even par on any course so this WGT is for who ever spends the most wins I am a member of NCGA why can't WGT get slopes they are available at each course and i know there is a programmer out there that can do the handicapping


  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2013 4:13 PM



    This means only people who can spend lots of money will ever win a tournament  I have a pro rating and that's based on what... how many rounds I played how can I be rated a pro when I have never shot even par on any course so this WGT is for who ever spends the most wins I am a member of NCGA why can't WGT get slopes they are available at each course and i know there is a programmer out there that can do the handicapping


    Why dont you organise the Tourny ??


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2013 4:25 PM


    This means only people who can spend lots of money will ever win a tournament  I have a pro rating and that's based on what... how many rounds I played how can I be rated a pro when I have never shot even par on any course so this WGT is for who ever spends the most wins I am a member of NCGA why can't WGT get slopes they are available at each course and i know there is a programmer out there that can do the handicapping

    An average of 80, well above any par, promoted you to Pro, and you need not shoot below Par to become a Tour Pro - 72 average.


    Which type of handicapping should they choose? US? UK? German? (three different methods known to me)

    Which USGA rating for the Legend tees for STA? Which for any tees at RSG? (not existing AFAIK)

    Why handicapping? We play on (US) Open Championship courses, probably as professionals.

    Finally, please accept some punctuation marks as a gift from me - they support readability.


  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2013 9:09 PM



    This means only people who can spend lots of money will ever win a tournament  I have a pro rating and that's based on what... how many rounds I played how can I be rated a pro when I have never shot even par on any course so this WGT is for who ever spends the most wins I am a member of NCGA why can't WGT get slopes they are available at each course and i know there is a programmer out there that can do the handicapping

    An average of 80, well above any par, promoted you to Pro, and you need not shoot below Par to become a Tour Pro - 72 average.


    Which type of handicapping should they choose? US? UK? German? (three different methods known to me)

    Which USGA rating for the Legend tees for STA? Which for any tees at RSG? (not existing AFAIK)

    Why handicapping? We play on (US) Open Championship courses, probably as professionals.

    Finally, please accept some punctuation marks as a gift from me - they support readability.


    I put my example together to show how difficult it would be to put a handicap together for every player.  More trouble than it's worth, actually.  Now if there were true handicaps for players (based on locations), having a handicap tournament would prove to be fun and fair for everyone.  

    The tough part would be for the less-than scratch handicap legend and tour legends having to give 20+ strokes to the lower tier players.  I know IRL, giving up 18 strokes to a high handicap player whose game is on when yours isn't, can prove to be devastating in a net match play game.

    BTW, I don't agree with the comment that only those that spend lots of money can win.  If handicapped correctly, the game would be fair for everyone ... coming up with a handicapping system that would work in this game would prove extremely difficult.

  • Mothy123
    445 Posts
    Sun, Feb 9 2014 11:53 PM

    Does anyone know if WGT takes the slope into consideration when you play a course that determines your average?

    If you play a harder course that should mean your score is scaled down and scaled up for a easy course.

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Mon, Feb 10 2014 12:25 AM

    Does anyone know if WGT takes the slope into consideration when you play a course that determines your average?

    They don't. Your avg is determined by your scores (mathematically) and by RG winnings in tiers below legend (avg drops for any RG winnings). The difficulty of the course is not a factor here.

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