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something got tweaked by wgt.....

Sun, Sep 15 2013 11:42 AM (34 replies)
  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2013 1:50 AM

    My tin foil hat seems a tad tight tonight, I wish strangemagic and our beloved long lost Lizzie R. were here to help. I miss them so much and pray they are well!


    My meter is pale and yet almost as same as the bark of a tree dog from Appalacia, if only no one hadn't mentioned an update it wouldn't have taken me no longer than a tiddly winks tale to surmise what someone hadn't made undone and done like spreading marmalade on toast before the butter.

    But that's just how I see it, I recognise others may see it more differentially, as if buying a daily paper wasn't enough, Pfft, but what can you do?

    Tell you what I'm going to do, I'm going fishing on the West Dart below Prince Hall, and I'm taking my AFTM 4WF with some size 16's that I have been making on the patio in the sun.

    I have a solid rod tube too, it's like an envelope but more rounder and longer of course, otherwise the rod wouldn't fit in it, and a good job I know the park ranger, and what's a gooder job is I know who he tried it on with one drunk night two years ago, which ensures I never get told to sling my poaching hook, or even asked to pay like everyone else. I suppose he worries about his wife finding out, so I don't need to worry :-)


    Lizzie alive alive oh xx

  • pase4win
    232 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2013 2:09 AM

    once again WGT has ruined the game cant even now come close to hitting the ding or even better the meter hits the fn ball when it wants a money grabbing scam 4 sure watch all your balls go out of bounds and in the water   shame on you WGT fix the game so we can play

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2013 8:21 PM

    Man that Lizzie is an interesting read. yo

  • dacrash
    475 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2013 8:39 PM


    not sure what it is, but the meter looks and acts a bit different, and did the algorithms change in the last few days, or is it just me!!!!!


    to add, I did notice the wind has much more effect on putts than before.  Also, the swing meter started closer to the directional "ding" than it does now, thats been tough to get used to.  Has taken awhile to get used to, but see how it goes.....


    but so far, thumbs down on the update


    see this thread:

  • xtabent
    2,281 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2013 9:18 PM

    Only if you can understand her Bubba,

    Finally our half of the world  get a good meter.Now lets see if we can get Tourny's where only Aussies can play.Then it becomes fairer.

  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2013 9:59 PM


    There was an update yesterday, a few changes were made.

    Glad you called them "changes" not "improvements"--they weren't. Anyone know how to get rid of this Ledbetter thing???? Not in the options.

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2013 10:38 PM

    Lizzie alive alive oh xx

    LIZZIE LIZZIE LIZZIE, MY DEAR SWEET GIRL! How nice to read your voice once again. AS previously stated, I have missed you and all of your wisdom neatly tied up into a nutshell. The forum has been quite dull lately without your unique perspective on things. Just a couple of questions though, is the "West Dart below Price Hall" the same fishing trawler you opened fire upon because she dared venture into your ocean? And is the park ranger that same fellow you gave the van too along with all your other semi-worthless junk because he wanted free stuff? I dare not get too personnel at this time, but I would like to "catch up" on things someday when your schedule permits. It's good to know your around and monitoring us less unfortunates. LOL.

    Have a nice day!