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Watch a gazillion ads ???

Sat, Aug 3 2013 4:50 PM (10 replies)
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  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2013 11:40 PM

    For 6 credits ? Are you serious WGT. Your a fool if you go through all that for 6 damn credits.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 12:48 AM

    Lawn moving mowing (or any other short-term job) is payed better and better for the health :)

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 12:57 AM


    Lawn moving (or any other short-term job) is payed better and better for the health :)


    Moving lawns? Sounds like a tough job to me.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 1:01 AM

    LOL - now you are picky, my dear!

    Lawn turf is my excuse...

  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 1:45 AM

    It payed off for me very well since I was at level 93 but could not afford the R-1 Driver ($34.95) due to living  expenses.

    I stayed up late for a week watching those 4,5, & 6 credit videos

    I did as many surveys as possible during the day at work.

    I only played CTTH for my daily XP points.

    I managed to get it for a much less using both out of pocket and credits I earned.

    Out of Pocket: Less then half of the original cost

    Now I need some sleep...LOL

    Was it worth it?..........YES!


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 2:17 AM

    Would you dare an estimate on the wage rate for running the videos?

    Was it worth it?

  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 9:29 AM


    Was it worth it?..........YES!

     I did not watch every video on here; especially the ones that were down right stupid.


    1 credit for watching a 2:30 minute or longer video

    If I would have  analyzed  what I am actually worth per hour I probably would have second thoughts.

    But when you want something bad enough you don't think about it, you just do it; at least that's what my Mom use to tell me when I was little.

    Other equipment I have cut the cost in half or better:

    G20 irons & woods

    R11 irons & woods

    various wedges & putters

    Including iron sets,drivers,putters for gifting

    So I guess Momma raised me up to not be a "QUITTER"   :)

  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 9:52 AM


    It payed off for me very well since I was at level 93 but could not afford the R-1 Driver ($34.95) due to living  expenses.

    I stayed up late for a week watching those 4,5, & 6 credit videos

    I did as many surveys as possible during the day at work.

    I only played CTTH for my daily XP points.

    I managed to get it for a much less using both out of pocket and credits I earned.

    Out of Pocket: Less then half of the original cost

    Now I need some sleep...LOL

    Was it worth it?..........YES!



    You are very lucky, live in a country where you get surveys to get credits. I can get some videos and the carousel to earn credits, anything else is things i have to buy something or play in casinos i cant afford anyway. On a very good day i can earn from 20 - 50 credits on short videos on sponsorpay, thats all i have here. The new window under the supersonic and above carousel under watch free videotab is like the take surveytab, only tell me: Sorry we have no offers right now! Please try later! Surveytab have give me that msg since day 1 i joined wgt. There is no law against me to watch all the commercials i want or take any surveys, its just the announcers here dont care about a little country with fewer citizens than a big City just south of it, Hamburg!



  • Superkidd36
    2 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 11:00 AM

    You don't actually have to watch the videos.  Just hit play and then go to another window and look at anything you want.  Or do what I do and hit play and then walk away and eat lunch or watch TV.  Come back when video is over and get your credits.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 2:24 PM

    exactly!!! does anyone actually watch? Set browser to open a new page, i bring up 3 browser pages(ie: firefox IE8)...turn on the news...go to supersonic or whatever the name is, videos(usually has 6-7) and run them all at the same time getting credit to, then watch them as many times as they will let you...on another browser I play the 5 minute videos....on another browser I do the carousel... keep refreshing and sometimes you can get 100-200 views on it, other times 40 or the time the show is over you can easily get 125-200 credits.

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