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quitting wgt

Sun, Nov 24 2013 7:46 PM (59 replies)
  • sandriloune
    45 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 6:07 AM

    I am now  thinking about quitting WGT.    I cannot play no more whit  that game. due to some changes that wgt made.  I dont undestand why they do all this.

    My meter and all my  images on my screen are so lagging and jerking that i cant play.

    So...the best thing to do in that case is to quit WGT and try to find another game somewhere else. 

    I had some good years with that game.....but now ...i think its over if i cannot find any solutions about the game.

    Thank you all.


  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 6:32 AM

    You might try checking your machine, clearing your cache etc. after the changes WGT made to the meter etc. Simpler than finding another game to match WGT, which ain't out there.

    99 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 6:32 AM

    I know what you are going thorough. I just brought a new computer with Window 8 and a mouse with it a few days ago. The meter went to crap completely and could not play anything. It kept speeding past center on return. Lost a lot of balls. Finally, just before quitting the game I purchased a gaming mouse that is not wireless. Still the problems until I played the screen with out enlarging it. Seems to working vastly better. Good luck!

  • buckmaster7
    19 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 7:05 AM

    Im with you...after the last shut down for maintenance, the game sux.  Besides, the paying players are not getting their moneys worth by this bunch of greedy miscreants.  After the last "maintenance" I had hit a tee shot into the bunker on a par 3 and the person I was playing with hit his into the water. (#10 at congressional).  Upon him hitting into the water, it brought us both back to the tee box via lost ball and penalty stroke.  Took me 2 hours of back and forth e-mailing before they finally give me a ball back and then they gave me a different one (worse) than it had taken from me.  They have gotten the last cent from me they will ever get.

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 7:09 AM

    god I'm so sick of these "farewell" threads jeez...
    you wanna quit, quit, don't make a national headline out of it.

  • WakeIsland
    213 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 7:10 AM

    Another sympathy thread....see ya in another few weeks or I believe the average is about 6.5 days for these "I'm quitting threads."  Creamer444 has about five of these going check with her on why the game is so bad lol.

    1,141 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 7:31 AM

    i don't get it either...

    dude .... is than how u would fix yer sink if it was leaking ??? ..quit using it ??? 

    geesh man...  ASK FOR HELP  !!  .... CALL FOR HELP !! .... research for help !!  .. 


    whiney azz,,, ima quit title....( step back an think )   ... WHAT the crap is that ???    


    peace...   sorry no tissues 

  • Sparky1047
    363 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 8:04 AM

         I for one found the exact opposite occurred. My meter has never run more smoothly. I applaud WGT for trying to fix the issues that players complain about. I also agree that we don't need another "I QUIT" thread. If you don't like the game just go away. Our company motto is, "NO WHINNERS." And good luck finding another game that is as reasonably priced and realistic as the  World Golf Tour. It ain't out there Sandriloune !!!

         So I shall end by saying C Ya Later but I'd be willing to bet you won't leave or it will only be for a brief period of time.


  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 8:13 AM


         I for one found the exact opposite occurred. My meter has never run more smoothly. I applaud WGT for trying to fix the issues that players complain about. I also agree that we don't need another "I QUIT" thread. If you don't like the game just go away. Our company motto is, "NO WHINNERS." And good luck finding another game that is as reasonably priced and realistic as the  World Golf Tour. It ain't out there Sandriloune !!!

         So I shall end by saying C Ya Later but I'd be willing to bet you won't leave or it will only be for a brief period of time.


    " reasonably priced" was uncalled for here. lol

    4,019 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 8:15 AM


    god I'm so sick of these "farewell" threads jeez...
    you wanna quit, quit, don't make a national headline out of it.