4 variables (green fields) to be filled in. 10sec's max. It's plotting the shot on the green that takes up the time. If you like to take a look at the program (Excel sheet, nothing more) i can email it no problem.
That would be nice, always in for some learning and especially if my own calculations done just out of the top of my head are about the same as that program of yours comes up with
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i would also like to use that program for the simple reason to verify my own calculations from time to time .. i used the example in ur screenshot & came up with virtually the same result in my head in the same time it takes to do inputs ..138-139yds before adjusting for backspin.
i'll use my head to do calcs when playin' , bur could be interesting to see how my calcs play out vs the program's during practice session with varying conditions, specially heavy winds ..
what does 0.7 to the right of flag indicate ? 0.7 yds ? i'm assuming a 13mph wind with a horizontal R - L vector of 1mph & a vertical headwind vector of 12mph ..
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thx in advance