Presently, when a golfer runs out of balls of a particular kind, s/he has to use the default ball or buy the same kind of ball until the next round. In real golf, you can choose whatever ball happens to be in your bag. Having that choice would be a great help.
It would also be a terrific addition to the game, to be able to chat with friends at any time you're on the site. Presently, we have to rely on Skype to arrange games. It's cumbersome. Arranging a foursome - especially an alternate shot game - without the chat option means we have to wait for all players to accept before we even know if a game will continue. It sometimes wastes five or more minutes staring at the screen while waiting to see if all invited players can actually play. If they don't for some reason - even a bathroom break - we have to begin again, and maybe waste more time.