Here's the info for GThomson6
Click here to see the a detailed overview of Country Clubs.
Country Clubs are groups of WGT players who have chosen to form a closer affiliation with each other. As with real-world country clubs, you should create or join a club that fits your personality and interests. If you are not yet a member of a Country Club, you can either create a club and invite your friends to join it, or you can join an existing club.
How do I find the Country Club homepage?
Under the WGT Community header in the top navigation bar you will see a Country Clubs option in the menu that appears underneath the header when you roll your mouse over the WGT Community title.
Who can create a Country Club?
Any player who is in the Amateur tier or higher can create a Country Club.
How much does it cost to create a Country Club and how many friends can join my club?
It costs 50 credits to create a club. A newly created club has a maximum of 15 members including the owner, however the club owner can upgrade the club for credits to a maximum of 250 members.
If I create a Country Club who can I invite to join?
You can invite any WGT player to join your club as long as there is space in your club. During the creation process you will be prompted to invite your friends to join your club. Your invitation will be delivered to the player via the Invites tab of the Friends List.
What if I don't want to create a club but I want to join an existing club?
You can find a club to join by going the Country Club homepage and seeing which clubs need more members. From the Profile page for the Country Club and can click the Request Membership button and your request will be sent to the club owner via the Invites tab in the Friends List. If accepted by the owner you will placed in the club as a member.
How many clubs can I belong to at once?
You can be a member of only one club at a time.
What can members of Country Clubs do together?
As part of a Country Club you will have access to the Club-only forums when club members can discuss game-play and other topics privately as well as play in club member-only tournamnents!
If I'm a Club owner what functions can I perform?
As a Club owner you have the ability to increase the size of your club, invite members to the club, approve all membership requests, remove players from the club, transfer the club ownership to another club member, and close the club entirely.