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Goodbye WGT

Thu, Aug 22 2013 2:56 PM (212 replies)
  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 3:15 PM


    I do believe that WGT does care about it's users.  However (according to the numbers that I see) there are 6 million users or some number like that.

    Responding to the demand of the user community is a tough thing, especially when the community wants different things and has different issues.  What is a problem for some isn't a problem for others, what is important to me might not even be on your radar.

    I still believe that WGT would be well served to create a super player group that brings forth the needs of the community.  Maybe pick a dozen of the owners of the top Country Clubs or some group like that.  They could meet online and discuss their consensus for change, new products, improvements, etc.

    I have to see anyone leave and we have lost many good players and it seems that many of us are not full time players anymore.  I'm a proud member of the Deviations and I would suspect that the play by our members is half of what it was a year ago.

    It is time that WGT steps up and works with it's user base to at least understand the issues that we have and work with the users to achieve common goals.  They don't have to do this, no business is required to listen to it's users, however I would suggest that any business that does not do that will be doomed to eventually fail.

    Put on your big boy pants WGT and work with your users to keep us happy, in the end it will benefit both sides.


    Very well said. This game is supposedly still in beta. Not sure they understand what beta means! Look at any other game in beta before release. They select a group of people to participate in a testing feedback sessions to make sure the game is appeasing to the masses.

    If you're going to keep this going in beta stage then you need to be actively talking with the people that play the game and know what will keep peoples interest. It's a great idea talking with the cc owners imo. Instead of actually taking away features  that no one asked for. IE taking away zoom, which I never used but that's besides the point here, many people used this and in my eyes was not detrimental to the game. I don't think it helped the meter

    I think they did make an improvement a bit on meter, although it was great the first couple days and it's semi reverted back to how it was for me. What really has irritated me in the past is wgt blaming it's users for a computer not capable of a smooth meter, okay so 5 million users all have meter issues? It couldn't be on wgt's end...nahh

    The beta term is not really relevant for a game like this that has more of a mmo theme to it where people constantly invest throughout the year for balls etc. If they were smart they would put on every quarter of the year meetings with the players to make the right actions to get the game moving in right direction.

    I think they just simply don't know what they are doing and are pretty greedy. They are making enough money so why bother going through the hassle of making this game better for some complainers? It's a thorn in their side.

    They will say the bare minimum and do the bare minimum to keep the game running as it is. My going away post I made for instance, Misterwgt tried to reach out to me saying any time you want a game. Well I asked for one and got no response. Just worrying about the dollars.

    I wish I was wrong, but I don't think I am.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 3:55 PM



    WGT owes you nothing. 

    Without us ( the players ) there is no WGT

    True quit and see if they care.


    Stick together and watch how fast they react

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 3:57 PM

    Power in numbers.

  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 4:16 PM




    WGT owes you nothing. 

    Without us ( the players ) there is no WGT

    True quit and see if they care.


    Stick together and watch how fast they react

    Great idea but try getting all of WGT membership to follow suit!  Good luck with that one.  nearly 7 and 1/2 million accounts right now, probably less than 25% of them active, and of that group probably less than .01% come to the forums.

  • DRogers5864
    368 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 4:49 PM

    Great idea but try getting all of WGT membership to follow suit!  Good luck with that one.  nearly 7 and 1/2 million accounts right now, probably less than 25% of them active, and of that group probably less than .01% come to the forums.


    Actually everyone I played with on MP games I asked if they came to the forums... I haven't found one yet that does

  • HWei
    534 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 5:11 PM

         We as one here never say goodbye ,if they really say it ,but all of will be together to the end no matter what stop us . We'll always be One ,never allow one person stop us because we are stronger ,So don't allow them defeat us . 

          But, in that note where ever you venture ,we will have your back no matter what stands in our way. 

         We here will not Be defeated , one for all and all for one , thats the way I / anyone here say the same . 


                In that note good luck where ever U choose , we are here 4 you .

    Never Say Goodbye - 1956

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 5:20 PM

    This whole thing is a terrible shame. I have read them all and have made way too many comments. The bottom line is we have lost many great people on here due to illness, passing away or just going away. These people were the ones who put in thousands of hours to figure out this game and pass the knowledge along to all. The new crop of Elite players are mostly scams, multiple account holders and in my opinion bottom feeding scum. WGT has opened the door for these players and have rolled out the red carpet. To expect a genuine comment from the Heads of WGT is pissing in the wind. I doubt if they are any where near the headquarters other than to check the profit margins. To see people in the spotlight shooting a 27 or a 59 in their first round played is the biggest slap in the face to any legit player on WGT. We all know it is impossible. An amateur shooting a 60 and showing 1 ranked round played should be an instant TL. The spotlight should read, congrats so and so you have made TL in one round, now go win some tourneys and show every one what a miracle you are. We will give you your own forum section to pass on your secrets to all new comers. 

  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 5:34 PM




    WGT owes you nothing. 

    Without us ( the players ) there is no WGT

    True quit and see if they care.


    Ok get 1000 active players to all quit at the same time if WGT doesn't meet our demands for a better game. I'll be your first  quitter ....let me know how It's going from time to time...we'll all quit together.   ;-))  I bet they still won't care.

    Just being sarcastic...sorry...... but this is a money making game and they are  making a ton of it. They have a game were many more people join than quit. As you have seen in the past year or so they have figured out that they don't have to  give  us  anything that costs them. They are going to ride this money machine as long as they can and then dump it. In the meantime they dodn't give a rats a$$ about their customers.








    Stick together and watch how fast they react


  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 2:35 PM

    The spotlight should read, congrats so and so you have made TL in one round, now go win some tourneys and show every one what a miracle you are. We will give you your own forum section to pass on your secrets to all new comers. 

    Edit: secrets and what cheatware you have bought to make the shots for you + your old profilename on wgt, cause its obvisiosly not your first account, and have you remember delete your old TL??

    Well i would like to see a whole new spotlight which tell who wgt have kicked out, by track and chase their use of "autoding" or whatever its named... ;-)


  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 2:52 PM

    i took a 4 mnth hiatus after about 11 mnths of regular play .. on my return i saw that absolutely zip has changed ..

    i can understand the frustration of longer term players when WGT does not acknowledge their legitimate gripes & good suggestions. Ultimately WGT will pay the price for acting like a bag of tone deaf doorknobs in not servicing their long time customers ..

    thats just a statistical certainty ..