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Wed, Aug 28 2013 6:36 PM (57 replies)
  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 7:38 AM



    ROFL, Im at the Master Tier now.. You have to talk to me with respect now.

    Think I'll give that respect a miss. I've already read too much garbage from you that I don't like. Nearly two years here and you're the first person I've openly criticized. 


    You made it a whole two years.. I have to give you major props on that.. I usually get people to boss up on me within days of 1st contact..  You my new friend can have my last juice box. High Five!

  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 9:19 AM




    ROFL, Im at the Master Tier now.. You have to talk to me with respect now.

    Think I'll give that respect a miss. I've already read too much garbage from you that I don't like. Nearly two years here and you're the first person I've openly criticized. 

    You made it a whole two years.. I have to give you major props on that.. I usually get people to boss up on me within days of 1st contact..  You my new friend can have my last juice box. High Five!

    I'll give you one thing mate.... at least you're honest ! So, based on that, I would like your honest opinion on something please. I'm breaking my back trying to get enough XP points and credits, to buy the R1 driver, before the end of August, when they will probably pull the plug on it. I believe you already have this club. Question....... Will it all be worth it ? Is it that good ? (Sorry, that's two questions !)

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 9:23 AM

    No doubt Glossop m8 , worth every second you play, and if you miss it , how long till you reach level 98 ........... keep busting , you'll not regret it.

  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 9:33 AM


    No doubt Glossop m8 , worth every second you play, and if you miss it , how long till you reach level 98 ........... keep busting , you'll not regret it.

    Thanks Mushy Mate. To be honest, I've not read a bad word about it, but being as it's going to take every credit I've got in my 'piggy bank', I suppose I just needed reassuring ! I reckon I'll get to L93 with about a day to spare at the end of this Month, so it's a close run thing.

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 9:40 AM

    If you make it bud, I'll throw you a sleeve, bit of incentive, and you can knock the price of a sleeve off the price in theory ;-)

    I really would hate for anyone that close to miss out

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 9:43 AM

    i played it for almost 3 days during last free rental , just couldn't justify the price and stuck with my R11s . i must hit the R11s very well as the R1 hardly out drives me . i am half way through L96 so i will re-evaluate at L98 ... 

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 9:48 AM


    i played it for almost 3 days during last free rental , just couldn't justify the price and stuck with my R11s . i must hit the R11s very well as the R1 hardly out drives me . i am half way through L96 so i will re-evaluate at L98 ... 

    I gotta agree, you couldn't justify the price if you already own the R11S, but the step from the lower level drivers, I had the standard R11, there's no comparison.

    I've had friends say the same about out driving the R1 with the R11S, not a lot have mind while playing,  but some have bought it just for the forgiveness.



  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 10:49 AM


    If you make it bud, I'll throw you a sleeve, bit of incentive, and you can knock the price of a sleeve off the price in theory ;-)

    I really would hate for anyone that close to miss out

    A fabulous gesture Mushy, but you don't have to do that mate. Anyway, I just thought of something..... if I do manage to get the R1 and love it to bits, I could always sell my G20 back, which would at least put a few credits back into the bank. Just wish the re-sale price of clubs was a bit more generous ! Tight sods !! LOL

  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 10:57 AM a nice ad on depositing $20 and getting free 40% ultra boost for four days...If you check the pro shop,this is an expensive little tool offered for the deposit...looks like the writing is firmly on the wall now, the R1 is clearing out soon for level 93ers...Im sure most of the grinders have read my blog and Mutts post about grinding for this driver. but if you havent, you might want to use this strategy, along with the 40% boost you can make 10-15 k point days, Im telling ya

    By the way, the add says August only, so there should be proof that its going away.



    Oh and also... , the f'n R1 driver ROCKS!

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 11:12 AM


    Will it all be worth it ? Is it that good ?

    Yes and yes.  It is very, very good indeed.  As previously mentioned the difference won't be so huge if you already have the R11s but you sure will notice it.  Wind blowing in your face at about 10mph?  You'll still get 300 yards most of the time.  And missing the fairway needs a seriously missed ding. 

    Go buy some extra strong coffee and play all night if that's what it takes to get to L93 before this offer ends.