I started a game today at 7PM eastern.and finished at 823..(4 players) almost 30 past the deadline .still got the 880.Did they change the.rules????....
We got an hour more now because we have daylight saving time and GMT does not.
I guess it's because of that.
I think if you start the game before the new day. you are fine... Ive never tested it to a T, but it looks like you did the leg work.
Thanks for this Tip... God stuff to know up on the WGT dot com and such..
My name is NOT Yancy!
I got credited for a game I started before the new day and ended after. so it is true. for the time being at least.
Its the time you finish you get experiencepoints. no matter when you start, so if you start before a new day is begin, but end in the new day, you get credit for a new consecutive day. Well its my experience, i often play during the dayshift!
+1 Egon!
In all cases time is checked on the last shot - this has been confirmed by WGT, and did you ever notice the short delay before the avatar moves?
So you get the CDP bonus only when finishing a game in time, which is before 12 pm GMT.