
Help › Forums to detect a slow meter program?

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Wed, Aug 14 2013 5:15 AM (37 replies)
  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 12:24 AM


    I used to prattle on about these cheats ad nauseum to no effect apart from to incur the wrath of a lot of the 'regular' posters. Now I don't care, I don't play for credits so they can do what they like.

    In fairness to you John you did and bravely endured a bit.  I think back then (not long lol) all most ever discussed was the auto / slow ding stuff.  For me (and i profer most) we thought that's all it was, and could not see it responsible for so much....................G the cheat's must have been laughing at the likes of me talking about stuff they thought was last used in kindergarten!

    LOL, yeah Jim the real deal is happening in single player games, lol. Can't do that in muli players games. I done some poking around......and what is sad is WGT can not detect it one bit.....Zero! 

    To think i was bashed for saying that WGT's programmers suck. They can't even do a update without adding many bugs to the game. What do you think these gents are capable of? lol. It is very obvious that the programmers that made this game are long gone.  Come on now lets be serious. Maybe next time they try to remove a cheating aid, it won't take two clicks to get what you need, hehe.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 12:32 AM


    LOL, yeah Jim the real deal is happening in single player games, lol. Can't do that in muli players games. I done some poking around......and what is sad is WGT can not detect it one bit.....Zero! 

    To think i was bashed for saying that WGT's programmers suck. They can't even do a update without adding many bugs to the game. What do you think these gents are capable of? lol. Come on now let be serious. Maybe next time they try to remove a cheating aid, it won't take two clicks to get what you need, hehe.

    Away from some update debacles you obviously know more than me on the cheating side Gerald then, and that would not be hard.  I am not arguing with you mate I just got passed caring when what could be done started to be explained.  I don't do the RGs as I prefer donating (may jag the odd lucky Sunday something lol) on a level field..............I long since gave up credit challenges anyway............So much is is just effed LOL...

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 12:59 AM



    LOL, yeah Jim the real deal is happening in single player games, lol. Can't do that in muli players games. I done some poking around......and what is sad is WGT can not detect it one bit.....Zero! 

    To think i was bashed for saying that WGT's programmers suck. They can't even do a update without adding many bugs to the game. What do you think these gents are capable of? lol. Come on now let be serious. Maybe next time they try to remove a cheating aid, it won't take two clicks to get what you need, hehe.

    Away from some update debacles you obviously know more than me on the cheating side Gerald then, and that would not be hard.  I am not arguing with you mate I just got passed caring when what could be done started to be explained.  I don't do the RGs as I prefer donating (may jag the odd lucky Sunday something lol) on a level field..............I long since gave up credit challenges anyway............So much is is just effed LOL...

    Yes Jim i had a lil talk with some very very smart savvy people you might say. My wife works at a local hospital here in the IT department. Picked her up for lunch with a couple of her bosses. 

    While at lunch i showed them this game and asked them a few questions. What they told and showed me at lunch do not want to know, lol.

    Lets leave it at that, hehe. What i will say though,,,they thought we were fools for playing this game. They had a good laugh. I didn't think is was funny though. :(

    Edit: I will also say that WGT must know about this, if they do not, well i guess they are fools like us.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 1:34 AM


    Fair to say we all agree it is bad when every quack starts actually applying their new found average time per club, to decide if the oppo is cheating, before having them hung drawn and quartered at the local kangaroo court.  Having read all these threads and spoken to people I think the slow meter is the children's version, not responsible for the more sinister stuff going on.

    No offense to the OP as I know he not advocating stop watches for all would be vigilantes, but I hope these would be vigilantes consider the folly of a little knowledge.

    Also no offense but I agree with Gerald...........



    All good Jim...but you missed an important point in my post...


    If "release of back swing to click" was able to be monitored, instead of "start of back swing to click"...then a sure fire was to prevent a "slow meter" program could be implemented.


    Well, Coors taking effect...gotta run:)

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 1:51 AM



    Fair to say we all agree it is bad when every quack starts actually applying their new found average time per club, to decide if the oppo is cheating, before having them hung drawn and quartered at the local kangaroo court.  Having read all these threads and spoken to people I think the slow meter is the children's version, not responsible for the more sinister stuff going on.

    No offense to the OP as I know he not advocating stop watches for all would be vigilantes, but I hope these would be vigilantes consider the folly of a little knowledge.

    Also no offense but I agree with Gerald...........



    All good Jim...but you missed an important point in my post...


    If "release of back swing to click" was able to be monitored, instead of "start of back swing to click"...then a sure fire was to prevent a "slow meter" program could be implemented.


    Well, Coors taking effect...gotta run:)

    Yes Mike very good observation. Now, the question is why are they not doing anything then? Only leaves me with two options.

    #1 .....Can't do anything...or don't have the programmers to do it. Seems taking away the flash options last time did not work. Good piece of programming there, lol.

    #2 They are the ones selling It!

    Take your pick,, but either way does not look good on them, that is certain. How long have we been talking about this??

    Daddy is not putting one more cent in this game. I will play my RGs and take my top 10's to pay for balls. When my luck runs out....o well i'm done. Not going to give them any more money for the lack of respect they give the players of this game.


    I'm sure i will be Vemmed to death now, lol, who cares!! Bring it on!! Can't mess with my putts no worst than now anyway, lol.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 2:23 AM


    All good Jim...but you missed an important point in my post...


    If "release of back swing to click" was able to be monitored, instead of "start of back swing to click"...then a sure fire was to prevent a "slow meter" program could be implemented.


    Well, Coors taking effect...gotta run:)

    Friday night here so Carlton Draught lol

    I never missed the point and apologies for not giving it due creedence.  I, and others from memory, have made the exact same point before.  Nothing ever seems to happen, and so that is why I say I am past caring.  Some IT guru started explaining to me it might find out the 5 year olds experimenting with the basic CE for the first time, but the people who knew anything (cheaters in question) would not even miss a beat.  Could things be done well hell yes, but the ROI must be not worth it to WGT..............Why I gave up caring! 

    EDIT: I am sure WGT do do a few things.  One CE site was shut down, but elastoplast to stem a femoral artery tear comes to mind, and a bit like putting 6 cops on the street of a City as the only measure to stem mafia racketeering another analogy. It's lip service to keep the regulator's at bay I wager in the Vegas of the 70s, just without that much regulation LOL. 

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 2:29 AM


    #1 .....Can't do anything...or don't have the programmers to do it. Seems taking away the flash options last time did not work. Good piece of programming there, lol.

    #2 They are the ones selling It!

    #3 They can't be arsed because they are feckin coining it in anyway.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 2:59 AM



    All good Jim...but you missed an important point in my post...


    If "release of back swing to click" was able to be monitored, instead of "start of back swing to click"...then a sure fire was to prevent a "slow meter" program could be implemented.


    Well, Coors taking effect...gotta run:)

    Friday night here so Carlton Draught lol

    I never missed the point and apologies for not giving it due creedence.  I, and others from memory, have made the exact same point before.  Nothing ever seems to happen, and so that is why I say I am past caring.  Some IT guru started explaining to me it might find out the 5 year olds experimenting with the basic CE for the first time, but the people who knew anything (cheaters in question) would not even miss a beat.  Could things be done well hell yes, but the ROI must be not worth it to WGT..............Why I gave up caring! 

    EDIT: I am sure WGT do do a few things.  One CE site was shut down, but elastoplast to stem a femoral artery tear comes to mind, and a bit like putting 6 cops on the street of a City as the only measure to stem mafia racketeering another analogy. It's lip service to keep the regulator's at bay I wager in the Vegas of the 70s, just without that much regulation LOL. 

    Concerning your edit mate. No more smoke for you, lol. CE site did not shut down....they just rolled out their new and improved shite.....6.3 version. Lmao!!

    Sorry mate!! Time for you to get some sleep, hehe. You do realize that site is banging in the coin. They have a cheat for every game almost available. Even have their own tech line, lol. And i might add is run by some very very smart gents, hehe. Smarter than your average bear. Hey boo boo!!

    Now if WGT had gents like that, we would not have the problems we have now....must agree there.


  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 3:11 AM

    I wonder what it is about WGT that makes us all keep playing when we're so fed up and disillusioned with the place.  If we went to a shop that constantly sold you of date or inferior products for more and more money and shut it's doors to you now and then, I wonder how many of us would keep going back.

    Can you imagine the reaction you'd get if you told your mates in the pub that your barbour had made a right mess of your hair and charged you the normal price but you're going back again next week?  And the week after when he screws up again. 

    I'm not knocking anyone for posting their views on WGT and what's gone wrong with it, far from it.  I just find it amazing that everyone keeps on playing and getting annoyed with it.  I had a forced break from WGT recently and to be honest I didn't miss it much.  However, as soon as I got internet back again.......

    It must be the community that keeps us coming back for more, it seems to be a lot more reliable and enjoyable than the game.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 3:21 AM


    I wonder what it is about WGT that makes us all keep playing when we're so fed up and disillusioned with the place.  If we went to a shop that constantly sold you of date or inferior products for more and more money and shut it's doors to you now and then, I wonder how many of us would keep going back.

    Can you imagine the reaction you'd get if you told your mates in the pub that your barbour had made a right mess of your hair and charged you the normal price but you're going back again next week?  And the week after when he screws up again. 

    I'm not knocking anyone for posting their views on WGT and what's gone wrong with it, far from it.  I just find it amazing that everyone keeps on playing and getting annoyed with it.  I had a forced break from WGT recently and to be honest I didn't miss it much.  However, as soon as I got internet back again.......

    It must be the community that keeps us coming back for more, it seems to be a lot more reliable and enjoyable than the game.

    Yup, see what you are saying, and i ask myself the same question all the time. What the hell am i doing. I say its addiction mate. I love the game, i'm not a gamer, i'm a golfer.

    But like i said in earlier post. As soon as another decent golf sim arrives this game will pay the piper, i can promise you that. Until then we are stuck, but...i have been playing a lot less for sure. Just waiting out the days until the new shite is out.

    I enjoy playing Alt shot with my friends i have made here, but i will say again just waiting for the day.