Fair to say we all agree it is bad when every quack starts actually applying their new found average time per club, to decide if the oppo is cheating, before having them hung drawn and quartered at the local kangaroo court. Having read all these threads and spoken to people I think the slow meter is the children's version, not responsible for the more sinister stuff going on.
No offense to the OP as I know he not advocating stop watches for all would be vigilantes, but I hope these would be vigilantes consider the folly of a little knowledge.
Also no offense but I agree with Gerald...........
All good Jim...but you missed an important point in my post...
If "release of back swing to click" was able to be monitored, instead of "start of back swing to click"...then a sure fire was to prevent a "slow meter" program could be implemented.
Well, Coors taking effect...gotta run:)
Yes Mike very good observation. Now, the question is why are they not doing anything then? Only leaves me with two options.
#1 .....Can't do anything...or don't have the programmers to do it. Seems taking away the flash options last time did not work. Good piece of programming there, lol.
#2 They are the ones selling It!
Take your pick,, but either way does not look good on them, that is certain. How long have we been talking about this??
Daddy is not putting one more cent in this game. I will play my RGs and take my top 10's to pay for balls. When my luck runs out....o well i'm done. Not going to give them any more money for the lack of respect they give the players of this game.
I'm sure i will be Vemmed to death now, lol, who cares!! Bring it on!! Can't mess with my putts no worst than now anyway, lol.