You're all wrong ;)
Level 66 or Level 92 Ghost putters combined with Putter Pal, and a reliable green speed formula... Putter Pal and the green speed formula means you get the distance right, the Ghost putter means you get the ding (slower meter than the above-mentioned Redwood), even if you don't, the improved forgiveness helps. If you do ding it, it'll go directly where you aimed for because of the improved precision.
I used the Redwood putter for months, and got a little too clingy with it ;) I should've upgraded sooner, and stopped being stubborn about Putter Pal ;) my point is, it's a good putter but if you want to compete, L66 or L92 Ghosts are the way to go. I wonder if the aforementioned StrokerLee has actually used the L66 Ghost putter; he doesn't mention it anyway.
Golf maths: this thing + this thing = happy puttin' :D