mmm where do i start. first of all im not very good at explaining things give it my best shot.
im here to appologize for my outburst it was senseless and stupid and pathetic to everyone it afected my spelling sucks sorry. if any1 doesent like me thats fair enough dont have to chime in and start another riff raff. i will expect to get a ban for sometime i think. its what i deserve but not a life ban everyone deserves a 2nd chance. i promise i wont do anymore of these rants again im finished with credit games on here its them what winds me up. i no im not liked on here but least im man enough and come in and appologize for my pointless rants. sorry if i rubbed shoulders with some of you people. hope you can forgive me if not i understand. i shouldent be doing this when using a pro golfers name and 1 who i really enjoy watching play golf (pinkpanther).think thats all really sorry e1.