how about you whoop out your card and donate away to any organization you would like. are you gonna leave it to the higher ups to determine the organization for you?
Three people want the credits to be donated to breast cancer?
25 people what credits donated to the salvation army and on and on and on and onand blkaflkajsdfl;kajsdlfkjasdf
where does it end...really?
this is WORLD GOLF TOUR that doesn't have a driving range. How soon do you think the implementation of a charity button will come along...??? How do you know that they don't already give to a charity? If they told you what charity they gave to, you may not come back again.
peel out that smokin hot card and donate to your own community. I do it all the time and it helps me sleep at night. I don't spend money doing it...I work on computers for low income individuals that need computers for the children or grandchildren. I have clients that want to purchase new computers and they give me the old computer...I work on the old computer and give it to someone that needs one and doesn't have one.
I don't need these people from cali to direct my credits shouldn't either.
my two cents...spend it how you like.
and for sake of documentation...I've only had one beer. ;)