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Wish List

rated by 0 users
Tue, Aug 13 2013 1:05 PM (1 replies)
  • benejgreen2
    10 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2013 12:08 PM

    I Personally have spent hours in the pro shop comparing clubs and balls and stats etc. after all that work i decide i want to wait till i hit level 53 so i can buy that one club. It would be coll if i could place it in a wish list. That way i dont have to try and remember it for the next two weeks while i rank up...

    This would also allow WGT to automatically remind you or notify you when a club in your wish list becomes available or when you have enough credits to buy that set you wanted.

  • SpitfireIX
    27 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2013 1:05 PM

    You should post this in alanti's Latest Feature Request thread.  There is already a request for a shopping cart in the pro shop; what you are asking for is similar to's "Save for later" feature.