Been using maxthon 3 since TBE first mentioned it. I had been using internet explorer without Chrome, seldom had any difficulty.
It seems as tho your browser is a significant part of the over all quality of your experience at WGT, but I believe your web contact carrier may be even more important. I/we in my area have a multiple choice of carrier for the internet. A person I am in contact with on a face to face basis has the other carrier, he has a much better system for gaming than I do, but his WGT experience is fraught with many of the same problems I read here. On my suggestion he tried Maxthon Cloud (hated it), and 3 (decent to good results). He is now trying Comodo Dragon, as YJ says it is the best.
In consideration of all that takes place from your mouse button being pushed, to observing that result in an instantaneous manner no matter where you are leaves me in awe.
Slow loading, jerky meter, these things can be made better. I read the forums for help and advice, I was amazed at all of the technical wiz kids that made very sound suggestions. I did try some that did not do much if anything for me, and others which helped a lot. I am sure that this is true for each person. We can not all have the same equipment, carrier, etc. stick with what works for you best. By all means keep reading the forums for the next best thing and try it. Nothing to lose but the bad, all the good to gain. My Nickle.