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Quitter Recognition Awards

rated by 0 users
Mon, Aug 19 2013 3:45 AM (1 replies)
  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Fri, Aug 16 2013 3:15 PM

    WGT should offer a new PREMIUM TOWEL AND FLAG to everyone who claims that they are going to quit.

    The towel, of course, is of the "Crying" variety, virtual & has a very heavy weave to soak up tears  WGT gifts it free to 'claiming to be quitters' and resides among their 'Awards' - for the sole benefit of those who bother to delve into other's stats.

    Instead of the yellow WGT Nation flag, I propose one of medium to dark brown (for obvious reasons), with 1 star added each time they talk about quitting.  This way we will have our own "Flag Officers" as well as an instant indication that this person is conflicted & should probably not be relied upon to render serious posts!

  • 76086
    306 Posts
    Mon, Aug 19 2013 3:45 AM


    WGT should offer a new PREMIUM TOWEL AND FLAG to everyone who claims that they are going to quit.

    The towel, of course, is of the "Crying" variety, virtual & has a very heavy weave to soak up tears  WGT gifts it free to 'claiming to be quitters' and resides among their 'Awards' - for the sole benefit of those who bother to delve into other's stats.

    Instead of the yellow WGT Nation flag, I propose one of medium to dark brown (for obvious reasons), with 1 star added each time they talk about quitting.  This way we will have our own "Flag Officers" as well as an instant indication that this person is conflicted & should probably not be relied upon to render serious posts!

    I have a different proposal. On the third time we read that someone says he or she is quitting then WGT should help them off this ledge they're on. Like in baseball 3 strikes and you're out but unlike in baseball you may not ever return. Beware cry babies of what you wish for.....