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Just wanted to say thanks

Mon, Sep 2 2013 10:21 AM (41 replies)
  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 7:00 AM

    Well it's time for Woodo to leave, I would just like to say thanks to everyone who has tried to help me with my putting ,but looks like I'm fighting a losing battle. 90% of my putts hit the edge of the cup no matter what I do, that just not logical.

    I see no reason to keep thinking it's going to get better ,cause it's not. I 've been here for 3 years now played every day with out fail. I have bad mouthed WGT a lot in open forum, and I am sorry for that. I guess I tried to be that squeaky wheel  a little to much.

    Once again thanks to all you guys for all your help

    Gary ( woodo) 

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 7:11 AM

    90% of my putts hit the edge of the cup no matter what I do, that just not logical.

    Yes, it's not logical, it is golf.

    I have bad mouthed WGT a lot in open forum, and I am sorry for that. I guess I tried to be that squeaky wheel  a little to much.

    Inferring that WGT is targeting you? WOW, we got another looney tune folks.

    Shame to see you leave the game. Could you keep posting though? I love a good laugh.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 7:45 AM

    Has anyone ever made one of these threads and actually left?

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 8:13 AM

    sorry to see this sentiment from yet another long time player .. 

    whether a long timer leaves or not, or only for a while, the negative outlook is there .. if We Givva Toss bothered to interact with their customers then perhaps there would be less of this sentiment on the forums .. but i guess it's like expecting to find a set of double D's growing from the side of a mountain ..

    i just left without a word for 4 mnths and now find the game half way tolerable again .. for now

    we'll likely see all the old timers meeting up in the forums of certain competition once it goes live online .. i guess we'll call it the "WGT relocation thread" .. perhaps we'll be able to create clubs as well .. perhaps we'll name it the "Exodus Club" .. nice ring to it

    1,141 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 8:59 AM


    did somebody kick yer puppy too ? 

    SEE YA !!!

    i don't mind the good bye's... 

    i do wonder what the part about the lipped putts is for ?  ...  ya think WGT ..gunna pop on this thread an say ....

    OH ... Mr. woodo PLeez stay... we will make all your putts drop from now on ? say,,,,, MAN !! you have been here 3 years an haven't figure'd out its a game to have funn an be enjoy'd with friends.. guess you should leave,,, 

    peace ... 

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 9:12 AM

    Mate you sound genuine. I will say that I can play a tourney in my CC (been experimenting recently) and then to do the same in a RG is politely harder. Top players just putt better I think and that's something I want to work on.  As a Tour Legend with more experience than me I am not arguing with you.

    I will say that WGT look to be at a cross roads.  The brave business decision to make it and develop it has long since seen the sugar boost leave. Frankly the forthcoming, suggest a hole, or whatever, for the Brandon crazy golf fest must be as much pushing brown n smelly uphill for the WGT designer as it is uninspiring for 99% of player's.

    May I be bold (I usually am right or wrong LOL).  WGT need to pay attention to the simple stuff right now:

    1. Listen to player's.  The high level club availability for players L90 and L/TL sux.

    2. Make sure the game works with chrome.  The most popular browser in the world.....Who do you want playing this game? Just High school 15 year old kids or families / real grown up busy life golfers to? Clear the cache and try a different browser is nonsense.

    3.  SORT OUT the average debacle. WGT is shooting itself in the foot with this one.  Player's caring so much for it that they hardly try different courses.  Other's that won't play par 3s because of what it does to best score (not even got into sand etc etc yet).  The par 5s are great (IMO) BUT WGT will have player's avoiding these if they see precious sand saves / putting averages effected.  GET A GRIP WGT on the simple stuff please and you may find it makes a difference.

    4. New courses.  Would be nice but do the quick wins to.

    5. Newsletter to all the product suggestion's.  A lesson in how to appear so removed...

    Something has to change or this business will fade (quickly).  I hope it prospers as I don't want to wait to wait another 20 years for a golf game to captivate me as much as the now extinct PGA Mega Drive:)

    My thoughts

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 9:16 AM

    had a game or two with you a while back (forgettable duffer performances I'm sure)

    glad I had the hits with you and look forward to a possible future return and more of them.

    be well and wishing you success in whatever you do next!

  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 9:33 AM


    I can relate to the frustration that would cause a player to leave ( having been stuck for 8 months with virtually no improvement, despite practicing daily ). Sorry to hear it got to another one. Somewhere along the line WGT forgot that a game is supposed to be fun, challenging yes, but fun also. When nothing you try improves your game over an extended period of time, the game ceases to be fun, and becomes mindless repetition. Interest wanes, you play / spend less and find the forums much more entertaining than the game itself. Unforunately, you're right, there is little hope that things will change. WGT has set what it believes to be the right degree of difficulty and if that causes 90% of your putts to lip out, and me to be stuck at my current level for eternity, it's become increasingly apparent it matters not one iota to them.Good luck.

    Doc :)

    2,580 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 9:44 AM

    Man, this sucks. Its almost every day now that we see somebody leave. And the thing that gets me is, it always seems to be a long time player. Sorry to see you go Woody, can only wish you the best man.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 9:49 AM


    Has anyone ever made one of these threads and actually left?

    Why I'm staying out of this one C.....

    Would normally wish a long standing player all the best etc..(even if I've never played them)

    But lately they are back within 3 days / playing twice as much as before or ripping up the RGs and Forum  ;-(

    Notice that 'Hans' says what he means and means what he says....a player deserving of the respect shown by his peers.

    (though I hope he finds his way back in a couple of....)
