Yes Can i please have some Yardage Binoculars.So I can see the real yardage I got to the Pin.Tired of the yardage saying 165 to Pin and hit a 175 club and the ball coming up short about 20 yards.And the wind was 8 mph in the face.Would be a nice item in the pro shop.:)
How about a theodolite instead, then we would also know the exact elevation?
Then again maybe not; as we may have to let a few groups through for slow play.
I so agree!
Say 3500 Credits if a limited edition?
The pro shop has Yardage Binoculars in 3 colors and they're free.
Here U go an early Christmas Present lol
Jimbog1964: Say 3500 Credits if a limited edition?
To Funny hahhaahahahhaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!