i bought 115 yard clev i do not even use.. i want to get 100yard clev wedge. how do i do that....WGT comeon help me.
try b4 u buy ?
It must have cobwebs on it because it's been in your garage for at least three months, or it was a gift - I see no evidence of a buy since May 15th.
So, why not use the "sell back" button?
Just sell it back sir. Club exchange just wouldn't work.
alexk345: i bought 115 yard clev i do not even use.. i want to get 100yard clev wedge. how do i do that....WGT comeon help me.
For members who play ranked stroke play rounds and have real earned averages, there is a free club exchange. Play one ranked round at your current Tier and the option comes up in the Equipment tab on your profile page.