I don't usually complain about much here - there's really no point, other than stirring up trouble. But if I'm not mistaken, you said the black R1 driver was going to be available through the end of August. Where I live, there are still 4 days left in August.
There are people playing this game that have been putting in the extra effort in order to make it to level 93 before the end of the month. They haven't been busting their asses to get an SLDR driver, and you took that chance away from them prematurely.
I won't pretend to understand why or how you make business decisions over there, but this one sucks ass. How you don't realize you're screwing over your customers is beyond me.
Thanks for all the other stuff though. I'm sure everyone that didn't get an R1 driver in time really appreciates the new pin placements and the opportunity to go through balls faster a whole bunch.