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Needed: Instant Messaging a "Busy" Player and Invite

rated by 0 users
Fri, Aug 30 2013 2:15 PM (8 replies)
  • Grandelf
    588 Posts
    Wed, Aug 28 2013 6:53 AM


    I often times see many club members and friends that are here and playing thus "busy" and it's not easy catching one another to play some golf.

    To be able to message a player privately while they play would solve the "Both free, unbusy at the same time" problem. There's many many times I'd wish I knew how long they'd be because we'd been wanting to play for seemingly ever!

    As I type this I see three that I'd love to message and say "Hey, would you like to play 18 when you're done?"   I can't!  So I have to wait, or play and hope....more often than not missing them entirely.

    I think this would of great benefit to the players, I know as a club owner it would help me meet members BIG TIME...


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Aug 28 2013 7:09 AM

    There's PM, free IRC chat, Skype and the likes, mail and phone.

    I'd prefer WGT to solve some of their in-game problems than copy any of these.

  • Grandelf
    588 Posts
    Thu, Aug 29 2013 6:07 AM

    LOL.....okay. Not everyone has IRC, instant messaging etc. Granted there are many different opinions as to whats needed and what to do 1st. I didn't say this should priority...

    Skype and IRC etc. are not the answer as it needs to be built within the game. As a club owner I have mentioned I'd like to play golf with and get to know every member.....almost a non possible issue as we see each other as busy. Do we then wait although haven't a clue as to how long they will be? Or do we play a quick blitz game etc with hopes when we are done that our friend will be free or between rounds?

    If the message system isn't built within the game, it will never fly, like mass email hasn't  worked to help contact the entire club with important information.

    Perhaps your friends list is but a few not see the huge advantage to this literally makes me laugh.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Aug 29 2013 8:06 AM

    So you don't want to communicate with me - so I don't need to be sad about missed opportunities in your CC.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,605 Posts
    Thu, Aug 29 2013 9:26 AM

    I tend to agree, I know there are 100 other forms of communicate that are available but I want to be able to play the game and not open up other programs while I'm playing.  In addition I might not have all the people I play with on WGT on those types of systems.

    A lobby would settle all these issues as well.

  • Grandelf
    588 Posts
    Fri, Aug 30 2013 8:48 AM

    Thanks for posting Tarheels, however handled I feel their is a need to be able to communicate with others during play.

    Right now a great friend is playing, I messaged him but when he'd be done who knows? 1st he has to finish, then hopefully see my message. Thus I sit waiting, perhaps in vain....and this happens all the time.

    As far as not wanting to communicate with the previous poster, where that comes from I do not know...and please don't bring a country club into this as all I did was mention I was an owner and how it would help me and others I feel.

    The players often times I am looking to play golf with and chat are often non-members so a country club, any C.C. has nothing at all to do with this.


  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Fri, Aug 30 2013 9:36 AM

    Though in theory a live messaging feature within WGT would be a great idea, I don't think this will happen, the load on the servers would be un manageable, as well as the cache and everything else involved. Than theres always that extra something for members to blame on WGT when their meter goes off the scale.

    As already stated there are plenty of free messagig methods already out there to use, without adding all the extra earache it would bring to WGT.

    My tuppence worth anyway ;-) 

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Fri, Aug 30 2013 10:17 AM

    Since you will still get friend and CC invite notifications when your playing, how about simply sending a message notification through the invites?

    This would eliminate the need to write a new chat feature and shouldn't take too much code to turn the invites light on in the game client.  

  • Grandelf
    588 Posts
    Fri, Aug 30 2013 2:15 PM

    The importance is all about within game, if it's isn't than the other methods are fine...I didn't mean a chat feature, only the ability to say "Hey when your thru wait as I'd like to play".....thus that player wouldn't just begin another round.

    So if not in game, phone, skype, messenger, dixie cups and string, carrier pigeon all would be fine.

    I know CC owners were looking for something, a message box within the screen on the main page......listed under another topic there were a bunch. When wgt's answer was mass email, all ^%$#* broke loose as it didn't come near to addressing the issue.

    But I posted my suggestion. Case closed for me......