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What is the criteria for achieving Master status?

Mon, Sep 29 2014 5:02 PM (27 replies)
  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, Aug 22 2010 9:09 AM

    Ancelloti, Sarge and the others share some valuable information. If you record your rounds, good or bad, you'll graduate to the Master tier naturally and will most likely have the course knowledge and ability needed to compete.

    Remember, once you make it to the Master tier, there's no going back whether your prepared or not. The choice to upgrade is yours. If you do, play all the courses equally and gain that all important course knowledge like I mentioned before. Play some practice rounds from the blue tees and get an idea of what you'll be up against. Also, practice with your wedges and long irons, these are key to being a good Master, along with good putting ability too.

    Good luck A.

  • ligerwoods62
    10 Posts
    Sun, Aug 22 2010 11:39 AM

    i completely agree with the posts about taking your time and playing all the courses.  when i was moving up i would play all 4 courses before i played the same one twice.  that's a good rule of thumb that keeps you on the right track.  despite doing this i became a master after only 4 days (24 rounds).  looking back that was really premature but i was ready because my game featured many types of shots and the knowledge of each course helped a ton.   

  • jackjenkinsss
    2 Posts
    Sun, Sep 14 2014 9:38 AM

    I was just promoted to Master, against my will. with an average of 66.92. minimal ranked rounds, no driver, and starter irons. How does that help anyone?


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Sep 14 2014 11:21 AM

    I was just promoted to Master, against my will. with an average of 66.92. minimal ranked rounds, no driver, and starter irons. How does that help anyone?


    You'll cope.The rest of us did. The game entices you to buy better equipment. Nothing wrong with that. It only exists if it makes a profit.
  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Sun, Sep 14 2014 3:17 PM

    I reached master a week ago with an ave of 68, the tee shots are a lot longer so make sure that your short game is good your approach shots are completely different well done on becoming a master enjoy

  • HWei
    534 Posts
    Tue, Sep 16 2014 9:15 AM




    When your average score is equal or smaller than 100 you go from hack to amateur.

    When it is equal or smaller than 80 you go from amateur to pro.

    When it is equal or smaller than 72 you go from pro to tour pro

    When it is equal or smaller than 67 you go from tour pro to Master

    When it is equal or smaller than 63 you go from Master to Tour master

    When it is equal or smaller than 61 you go from Tour master to legend

    When it is equal or smaller than 60 you go from Legend to Tour Legend*




    you need to play at least 5 ranked rounds as hack before reaching Amateur

    you need to play at least 10 ranked rounds as amateur before reaching Pro

    you need to play at least 20 ranked rounds as Pro before reaching Tour pro

    you need to play at least 25 ranked rounds as Tour pro before reaching Master

    you need to play at least 40 ranked rounds as Master before reaching Tour Master

    you need to play at least 50 ranked rounds as Tour Master before reaching Legend

    You need at least 500 ranked rounds as Legend before reaching Tour Legend


      Note: The minimal number of ranked rounds are also the number of best rounds used to compute your average in that particular tier. So if you are Tour Master for example, your average is computed with your best 50 ranked round (that's why you need at least 50 rounds to move up).


    Note also: Match Play where you defeat a player in a higher Tier impacts your average.

    In addition playing Blitz  does not count 


    Is there a consistency you have to reach or return certain scores?


  • derekortt
    673 Posts
    Mon, Sep 29 2014 8:22 AM

    also, placing or winning RG tournaments results in you being moved up to a higher tier faster than you otherwise would. The only exception is to the Tour Legend tier. That one, you have to have the sub 60 average and 500 ranked rounds

  • 1yes1no
    223 Posts
    Mon, Sep 29 2014 5:02 PM

    You just joined this month and without practice have placed top-10 5 times and top-100 10 times in this months tournaments.  Your scoring record shows only below par rounds, stats show fairway driving of 84% and GIR of 73% .  In short you are a natural or someone else who deserves to be in the master tier.  Be happy that fate has been so kind as to give you a good sense of the game.