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WGT Nation Forum Challenge Wk 1

Wed, Sep 11 2013 3:28 PM (132 replies)
  • GSpinks1962
    106 Posts
    Sun, Sep 1 2013 1:03 PM

    #4   309 no replay

    #8 less than a foot   replay

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Sun, Sep 1 2013 1:12 PM

    Longest Drive Hole #4 .... 312 yds

    And I still hate that course.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Sun, Sep 1 2013 3:48 PM

    WD on first tee. Not playing any tourney or game off forward tees period. Maybe should post that info so players like me won't waste the effort or credits.

    Tour legends playing off forward tees?? Can't understand that one at all. I'm sure will be a hundred 26s and a few 25s. The reason why i never play any tourney from forward tees.

    Still don't get that one.   :(

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, Sep 1 2013 5:05 PM

    I did save one drive that was 315 yards. After seeing this longest drive stat, I forgot to save or watch every drive.


  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, Sep 1 2013 5:18 PM

    Damn! I forgot to watch for the CTTH on hole 8. It was longer than Mike's shot for sure. And just a 32 for the round.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sun, Sep 1 2013 5:21 PM

    Still don't get that one.


    Thing is Gerald, since it's not a tiered tourney, decent Pros/TP's wouldn't stand a chance from the tips, assuming they are in the 50's/60/70 levels, as they would not have enough fire power to play well.


    It's like the weekly credit MR tourney, we all play from the same tees.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Sun, Sep 1 2013 5:25 PM


    Still don't get that one.


    Thing is Gerald, since it's not a tiered tourney, decent Pros/TP's wouldn't stand a chance from the tips, assuming they are in the 50's/60/70 levels, as they would not have enough fire power to play well.


    It's like the weekly credit MR tourney, we all play from the same tees.

    Let me understand then Mike. What you are saying is Pros/TP's have a chance with Tour legends hitting off forward tees?

    Lmao!  I think you get the point, hehe. It don't matter how they play, if TL's are hitting off forward tees its a done deal.

    Agreed?  lol

    Edit: Should just make it a TL tourney then, because if they play lower tiers don't stand a chance.

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Sun, Sep 1 2013 5:42 PM

    I get your point Gerald, it is somewhat laughable, but in defense of the whole thing, how many pros and tour pros are actually nation members.  If they meet the criteria that is stated on WGT and they are a pro and a Nation member, they are either really good, sandbagging, or have so much money to burn that dropping 10 credits on this thing is no big deal. The big disconnect will be with Masters and TM, but there are a fair amount of them that have the same equipment as the TLs, so in all reality its not that big of a deal.

    Also, remember this is kind of a tester to do things like this in the future, multi week tourneys, hopefully growing to some kind of a tour or something( i know wishful thinking). However, maybe it will change over time. I say give i a chance, lets see where it goes.  Whats 10 credits anyhow, a penny

    I do agree though that the tees should be disclosed on any tourney, just like the greens speed, wind and hole location are, it shouldn't be that hard

  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Sun, Sep 1 2013 5:53 PM

    After looking at some of the Pro and Tour Pro ready go scores lately, a few of them might have a good run of it Gerald... 

    I agree with you that most probably a Tour Legend will end up winning, but some of the lower tier players, if playing from shorter tees might stand a good chance in placing fairly well. 

    Oh... I almost forgot, there was a fella from the Master tier that shot a very respectable 59 in the last Uneven Lies St. Andrews RG and earned himself a top ten... using G20 irons apparently. 

    Some of the players coming up are quite good or .....

    But I won't get into that. :-)