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Do Moderators even check the tournament standings?

Fri, Sep 13 2013 8:32 PM (43 replies)
  • BenWaters
    5 Posts
    Sun, Sep 8 2013 6:58 AM

    Well here is one for you...

    A certain player joined in august this year, wins every tournamant in Tour Pro, moves to Master in a week, wins every tourny, now Tour Master, hey presto! The same thing.


    All within a month? Surely not? I won't mention his name but lets just say he likes playing skins (hint). Look at the monthly earnings board, have a look at his stats.


    This is ridiculous! Scores of 61 in a month of playing? Am I pi@@ed off? Yes a little.

    Come on WGT, you know this guy is a cheat.

    P.s look at his couple of friends he has. Peas in a pod!



  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 12:25 AM


    Come on WGT, you know this guy is a cheat.

    P.s look at his couple of friends he has. Peas in a pod!

    LOL perhaps the TL who befriended them on the first day on WGT is a great mentor! And to get to TM without buying one bit of equipment - someone is generous. Another joke skinning genuine players.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 12:37 AM

    Hmm...shoots 6 under in nine hole tourney at CCC first day here.

    Impressive, lol. Mad skills....hacker smacker was on his game.

    The very sad part of it all is nothing is going to happen. This is not any different than the many that did the same thing last month or the month before, lol.

    No checkage of the tourneys.  :)

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 12:54 AM

    I always thought that report is the better way to lighting up cheaters and multi accounters to simplify the WGT Staff work. We can find "strange" players in all the WGT Tournament standings, put a look in their profiles and found that or there's scam smell or you, that you always have your account from years, have not understood anything.

    The problem is not only in the final standings but also during Blitz game or Match Play game. My thought is to support and lend a hand to WGT Staff to flush these "profiles", now unwelcome also to their neighbors.

    Report the guys, at worst they will say that there were no abnormalities.


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 11:32 AM

    that's right:)

    if you find something peculiar, the best way is to report it  by contacting me in private or sending us an email.


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 11:47 AM

    Could you please answer the question in the subject, Icon, resp. WGT?

    Why would this prize have been awarded?

  • paul167
    154 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 12:42 PM

    have a look at great lakes gamblers country club,they like to keep it in the family to cheat, also mjland too, i challenged one of them bigdaddy someone or other and he admitted that he played under his "wifes" account and then started his own, top of the leaderboards with all the top gear at lower levels, when will wgt do something??, 

  • cappiest
    1,346 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 12:57 PM

    Or better yet....why are your customers policing the game rather than enjoying it and playing themselves....

    Wait i know....because another player playing cheat or not is another dollar sign to WGT....and who cares about the rest of us.

    If you want to play the the game....just don't expect it to ever and i mean ever be fair because there is so much cheating going on here it is ridiculous.

    The game has hit a new all time low....sorry to say it but there are cheats everywhere and it is growing to the point it is out of control and WGT couldn't do a thing about it now if they once again i say if you enjoy the game then play....just be careful how you go about doing it or you could fall victim to a cheater very easily.

  • slillico
    393 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 1:24 PM



    Come on WGT, you know this guy is a cheat.

    P.s look at his couple of friends he has. Peas in a pod!

    LOL perhaps the TL who befriended them on the first day on WGT is a great mentor! And to get to TM without buying one bit of equipment - someone is generous. Another joke skinning genuine players.

    How the heck does someone do that well win that many credits, without even as much as needing to buy a ball? Ok so I see the answer lies in the TL account.

    Interesting how Aug 25, the TL stops daily play, and this account starts rolling also.

    This passes my smell test, good job.

    I hate it when people are targeted the could be totally legit, but this TL is completely stupid.

    Ok so I start digging deeper, TM has won 10,000 credits, TL has spent in excess of 20,000 feeding the account assuming plenty of balls were sent. TM account is about done now as the next step will be Legend. Why is this such a rampant thing going on, it does not seem overly cost productive.