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Do Moderators even check the tournament standings?

Fri, Sep 13 2013 8:32 PM (43 replies)
  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Tue, Sep 10 2013 11:54 PM

    Peter, I give you an exemple.
    I hope my rusted english doesn't make misundersood.

    I think the staff is doing their best but unfortunately we have reached a level too high to be "controlled and regulated." The example that I wanted to make is that of the police. In Italy, as in every other country in the world, the police work well, but only when they are supported by citizens.

    If someone try to steal the car of your neighbor, you call the police and they arrive.

    This is the example. If anyone of us play every day in any mode of WGT and notices that something strange has happened (and I think this is a skill that you acquire just playing for years), it is your responsibility to report it to whom it may concern. Unfortunately I do not agree on your point of view but I can assure you that this system works, obviously we play WGT for other reasons but as long as they fail to find a way to block certain inscriptions or systems for cheating we will be the only ones that can help'em.

    That's my personal think.


  • cappiest
    1,346 Posts
    Thu, Sep 12 2013 2:35 PM

    While i agree with most of these comments, i am not sure that we as customers and paying ones at that should necessarily be the policemen on this site.

    This site is essentially a gambling site where they charge us money for credits. Our purchases for our credits are secure and have never heard any different on that.  However after that purchase it appears as though if you wish to play credit games of any type the security is completely gone.

    Now some will say well you decided to gamble with your credits so you must live with the results. I say what happened to our safe non cheat site.....there is more cheating going on here every day. I used to play rg's like i will play a few here and there. Just have no confidence whatsoever that WGT can provide a secure and fair playing field. Those days are long gone and they will continue to get worse from now on.

    There is currently a huge increase in multi account holders and people using cheat engines....some of these people have been caught recently and removed......problem is they told several others what they were doing and have passed the info on. its now an airborn disease and is spreading throughout WGT.

    Once again i would say to and have fun......just don't think for a minute there isn't a huge amount of cheating going on.

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Thu, Sep 12 2013 3:07 PM

    Understand your point Cappi but I didn't think that became a policemen will solve the MA or cheaters problem, it doesn't solve but as a customer you have the right to play with your money as safe as possible, and safe doesn't mean "win for sure", it means clean.

    Clear, cheat engines and multiaccounters are like the counterfeit market, diminish the value of an original piece at the expense of real value. In this case it's the customer who decides whether not to buy bootleg merchandise or denounce the crook, as a customer and as a lover of golf and WGT and this Community I will try in every way to combat situations that could harm me. At present, the only solution is to report privately to the Staff players that give the appearance of being cunning, without blaming specifically. They will assess the merits of the message and I assure you that there will always be an answer

    Be able to compare with You is always a pleasure. There are threads where it's almost impossible to find a dialogue, but in others, such as this one, where moderation and eduacation, you can carry on a topic hoping that constructive turn into something better.

    Good golf guys.


  • cappiest
    1,346 Posts
    Thu, Sep 12 2013 4:23 PM

    understand completely David.....i really do hope that WGT is putting forth a serious effort to get this curbed.....i just don't see how they will possibly keep up with what is currently transpiring. The game has a serious black eye at the moment and i find it very unfortunate that it has come to this.

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Thu, Sep 12 2013 11:40 PM

    Surely with time and technology will have to improve something by force. It would be enough to have a program that automatically identifies the anomaly. if you level up very quickly we do an inspection just to avoid and prevent cheaters or MA.

    The discussion was opened by Peter refers to a player who after a few weeks from the registration of the results and had a statistical average equal to a Legend. You're writing in 2009, if you saw a situation like this does not define abnormal?I think yes because it's quite normal got doubts 

    The risk is that this is really a very good player, whether it's a multi accounter or that it is an "engine cheater." After a couple of weeks you can have a complete set of clubs to play well but you have to know the game, you have to learn how to calculate the wind and the path based on the iron you're using, you have to know the greens and the differences in speed according to features.

    These things are not learned in two weeks or three, these things you learn after years or thousands of strokes played. Then as a skeptic I think you already know to play weel in WGT, then you are an MA, or you use cheat engines. That's what I think when I saw spectacular results after a couple of weeks, then maybe I'm wrong and it is "only" a very good player. But this has never happened.

    By the way Cappi, we talk too much and WGT surely read this one so we both hope the same thing but although I think WGT is fine as it is, no metter what will be: I play untill there'll be credits for play, or Nike untill they lost in waters



  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Fri, Sep 13 2013 4:50 AM

    Well, a player back in January was brought to WGT's attention as the day he joined he was scoring low, winning diamond ready go's in same week, that same player was winning nearly every ready go entered without ever WITHDRAWING or playing a bad round.  When this player was mentioned a month or so ago once again in a discussion because we all know you're ALWAYS going to get a bad round in one or 2 ready go's so either you will have a WD next to your name or a bad score but this player ALWAYS was scoring ridiculous scores sub 56 every round and when a some one mentioned PACKET EDITING etc etc, this player started to bang in one or 2 rounds of 30's but only a, rest was 56 or better. 9 months later this player is still winning loads of ready go's so he's either the best player ever to play WGT. But in 8 months that doesn't really cut it to players who also win ready go's but have taken much longer to get that good!!  And one thing I've noticed that this player is always one of the last to enter a ready go and to me its just very strange!  could you really be better that the best players from DEVIATIONS CC like Dansamcam, Kristjan, bollox etc etc (too many to mention) in less than 5 months??  To me this shows that the account is probably a restarter to begin with in the first place.  Maybe a good tour legend wanting to re-start and go through the motions again and (OR) knows how to use packet editing software on top??  Who knows, its up to wgt to be judge we only have our opinions and suspicions.

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Fri, Sep 13 2013 5:08 AM

    Maybe he is restart Chris or maybe not i know a few now that just caugt on fast matter fact runwme was accused maybe worse than anyone when he came out. Was a thread on it but cant find it. Anyhow he is tour legend and all his rounds are not perfect or he would be  closer to the top of the board. He is tour legend and playing from same tees as us. What he did in the past only him and wgt knows but to say he is best player on wgt  is crazy. If you are gonna go by time on wgt then id say fmagnets or cadaviar would be near best they been on since sept 2012. Alot of good players though you cant just name one,

  • Rab10
    393 Posts
    Fri, Sep 13 2013 7:06 AM


    Care to elaborate Chris? Never heard of this term before.


  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Fri, Sep 13 2013 7:08 AM



    Care to elaborate Chris? Never heard of this term before.


    When you use a sort of program or cheat engine to change the dynamics of the game, so there's no wind etc etc.


    Maybe he is restart Chris or maybe not i know a few now that just caugt on fast matter fact runwme was accused maybe worse than anyone when he came out. Was a thread on it but cant find it. Anyhow he is tour legend and all his rounds are not perfect or he would be  closer to the top of the board. He is tour legend and playing from same tees as us. What he did in the past only him and wgt knows but to say he is best player on wgt  is crazy. If you are gonna go by time on wgt then id say fmagnets or cadaviar would be near best they been on since sept 2012. Alot of good players though you cant just name one,

    Yes, its none of my business really, i'm just truly amazed at the consistency of a player who has seemingly less than 8 months experience without a single WD. I know with every few good rounds i have I will always have a bad round thrown in too.  Maybe he's just realized how to beat the ready go system because i know for a fact if i havn't played a particular ready go, say CABO this month, when i do i will get a very hot round from wgt and score amazingly.  This seems true with every "new" ready go i enter.  Its only after entering a ready go more than once i get the deviation effected rounds

  • Rab10
    393 Posts
    Fri, Sep 13 2013 7:12 AM

    Ahhh ok.. ty bud