So you would rather have a driving range where WGT could really get you with the cost of a bucket of balls? FFS, it's a plus to have it, quit crying about a couple of hits on a ball and be happy you have a way to learn difficult shots.
If your reaction is about our reaction to the mulligan price, none of us indicated we would rather have a driving range given the choice.
They're not only hiding the real price but the sliding scale price of the mulligan is poor. Charging by taking away hits on the ball is anywhere from free when using free balls to the equivalent of around 4 credits per mulligan when using top of the line balls. They are hoping that most people will not see the real price and variable rates, instead seeing it as just a "couple of hits on a ball" as you do.
I'm advocating for a simple flat-rate charge for the mulligans here. The same price for every user, the same as every other item on this site. With this they are opening up the door to sliding scale pricing on all types of items for any myriad of reasons.