i just beta a guy in match play for 277 credits and he frooze everything i had 2 refresh and lost 277 credits i will report and sue your company if u don't give me m y total of over 500 credits back
All you have to do is submit a support ticket so we can investigate this problem.
good luck finding a lawyer thats willing to go to court for a $5.00 case
andrew3910: ...i will report and sue your company...
...i will report and sue your company...
for $2.77....HAH!
andrew3910: ...i will report and sue your company if u don't give me m y total of over 500 credits back
...i will report and sue your company if u don't give me m y total of over 500 credits back
Great first post! Good luck with that. (please don't sue me over this response)
WakeIsland: andrew3910: ...i will report and sue your company if u don't give me m y total of over 500 credits back Great first post! Good luck with that. (please don't sue me over this response)
WGTBOBBYSWORLD: All you have to do is submit a support ticket so we can investigate this problem.
My members have always reported that WGT is above reproach in these matters.
dmatt236: good luck finding a lawyer thats willing to go to court for a $5.00 case
He could sue the whole company for it's ethics. Not because of the credits, silly man you.