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A/S Challenge

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Wed, Sep 11 2013 10:08 AM (18 replies)
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  • WakeIsland
    213 Posts
    Wed, Sep 4 2013 7:14 PM

    Yes. A/S if both parties are willing to commit credits then yes, that is their choice.  Obviously your going to play with someone you trust!  I'm in for this !  PLEASE been asking for so long!

  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Wed, Sep 4 2013 9:42 PM



    i seen that idea a few times before but i am still under opinion that it may be more trouble than it's worth. i have yet to hear a convincing argument why it would be worth offering team credit games. I think many friends would be lost over credits:(


    ICON....I think those who would play, would probably do so with friends as partners....friends also often play skins or mp for credits, so, I think you'd have to offer the option before you could say it was a bad idea.  I'd guess a lot of CC's would really like to have the option of alt shot credit tourneys.... 

  • RudrakshMitra
    3 Posts
    Thu, Sep 5 2013 12:44 AM

    I don't see why it should cause any problems. It's like playing foursomes/ fourball is real life. Friends team up, there are occasions when mistakes are made, but I don't see too many people falling out over these games. You play with someone you trust to do their best and then deal with it if you lose. It seems rather paternalistic to say- 'yeah it'll be a cool feature but we think you'll fight over it.' Everyone playing money games has to be an adult in any case.


  • gerwo
    18 Posts
    Thu, Sep 5 2013 9:01 AM

    Many good responses here    :)

    The bottom line here is that this would not be forced on anyone - it's just another option.  Anyone who plays for credits is essentially gambling and therefore the golden rule applies - don't wager more than you are willing to lose.  As far as losing friends goes, the same thing applies - if you cannot agree up front then simply do not play.  I know there are many sore losers playing and I really don't understand why they play for credits - if you don't want to lose them don't play for them - pretty simple.

  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Thu, Sep 5 2013 11:23 AM

    Icon,  has anyone come out and said they don't want this an an option? I don't think anyone is against having it as a mode of play...and, as everyone on here has if you like...don't play if you don't like.  And, of course, there is always the added WGT cut...would doubt the company would frown on that.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Sep 5 2013 3:12 PM


    the biggest issue is skins and mpc have to do with individual making his/her own shots/choices and if they miss it's their fault or uncontrollable events..

    it's not so with a/s for credits where partner has full control during their ***.


  • stangacila
    111 Posts
    Wed, Sep 11 2013 10:08 AM

    i think Icon comes up with weak excuses , it's another option ,whats so hard to understand , those who accept to play for credits ,do so on their own risk ,nothing new with that; but of course its easier to invent all sorts of excuses instead of actually working to do it ! but this is something new to me ,WGT employees not wanting to make more profits for their company , out of laziness maybe? so lets recapitulate ,customers (players here) want a product that may bring new revenues to WGT ,and the moderators feel like turning it down? not only AS challenge is wanted ,but most good players that amassed tens of thousands of credits see it as a new and interesting option!

    PS: i think i know though why are you so reticent about it ,not because some player would feel bad about the partner's play ,but because you know the AS game has plenty of connections issues ,most of it WGT's fault ,thus you wont be able to cope with the amount of complaints ; recently AS has become increasingly frustating to play ,very slow game ,too many connection issues, and i dont see any improvement in that direction !

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