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Using up unused balls

rated by 0 users
Thu, Sep 5 2013 11:38 AM (6 replies)
  • sammey1
    703 Posts
    Thu, Sep 5 2013 7:05 AM

    I would like to suggest a change whereby if someone has run out of their set of balls that WGT load the next most expensive ball left in their inventory rather than load starter balls. So many of us have an extra ball here and there. I must have 7 or 8 different premium ball sets with .5 to 2 balls remaining. I don't want to use them in a tourney in case I run out during the event, for reasons of lost balls etc. It wouldn't take much to tweak the system to make this adjustment.


  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, Sep 5 2013 7:20 AM


    I would like to suggest a change whereby if someone has run out of their set of balls that WGT load the next most expensive ball left in their inventory rather than load starter balls. So many of us have an extra ball here and there. I must have 7 or 8 different premium ball sets with .5 to 2 balls remaining. I don't want to use them in a tourney in case I run out during the event, for reasons of lost balls etc. It wouldn't take much to tweak the system to make this adjustment.


    Why not use the odd balls , for CTTH or  practice rounds ? Also , if you pick 1 ball , and play with it all the time, you wont have this so called problem . Ball management , is just as important to your game , as course management . The game tells you , when you are down to your last ball , before you start playing . It also gives you the chance , to purchase more balls , if needed before starting play . So there really is no excuse , for running out of balls during a game . Happy Swinging :-)


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, Sep 5 2013 9:18 AM

    A good option for those "odd" balls now would be to use them up practicing various difficult shots using the new mulligan system. The extra hits charged won't matter to you if they were going unused anyway.

  • Hewsey
    1,958 Posts
    Thu, Sep 5 2013 9:24 AM


    A good option for those "odd" balls now would be to use them up practicing various difficult shots using the new mulligan system. The extra hits charged won't matter to you if they were going unused anyway.

    Agree 100%

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Sep 5 2013 9:37 AM

    It wouldn't take much to tweak the system to make this adjustment.
    It would take some of our host's revenue - why should he waste precious programmer's time for that?

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Thu, Sep 5 2013 9:51 AM


    It wouldn't take much to tweak the system to make this adjustment.
    It would take some of our host's revenue - why should he waste precious programmer's time for that?


  • sammey1
    703 Posts
    Thu, Sep 5 2013 11:38 AM

    Yes i've figured out that balls can be used for practice etc. and yes the bleeding of people is a business decision. But these are already paid for so am making a reasonable suggestion. They could also stop awarding those crap balls if it helps save them a buck.