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New PIN at Royal ST George's and Olympic, why not?

rated by 0 users
Sat, Sep 7 2013 12:46 AM (2 replies)
  • demcug
    1,456 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 12:33 PM

    Hey WGT,

    but why don't insert new pin at RSG and olympic??

    I am very pleased with the new Pin at Merion, and hope to see other difficult like that. Some are placed on top of the humps and this makes the rounds more interesting, without necessarily see round to -18.

    But why no new pin at RSG and Olympic?


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Sep 7 2013 12:05 AM

    Haven't you heard that WGT's presence here is more about moderating than about answering questions?

    We, the community, can only guess about the reasons:

    Availability of photos? (which I doubt for RSG at least)

    Contractual issues?

    Business policy?

    I'm afraid that the company won't disclose them.

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Sat, Sep 7 2013 12:46 AM

    It has seemed in the past as if they held back the second set of holes until some down time, doldrums, winter, between new courses and virtual open championships etc.

    So it was a pleasant surprise when they released the second set of Merion holes so quickly.

    But we sorely miss new holes at St. George! It's been a couple of years. ... Roll 'em out!