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Sat, Sep 7 2013 9:05 AM (6 replies)
  • TDHarvey
    433 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 11:18 PM

    up 3 on 15 in a mpc for 800 credits  and all of sudden im playing with starter balls...playing 45 second clock so it takes me a hole or two to get the shot.....hit it to 6 inches on 14 go to 15 tee i have starter balls.....i played it out so as not to deprived the other dude of this chance to win...but i was in control of this match....check the chat logs...check the damn shot logs....i had credits to reload on balls and wasnt given the opportunity......been a member for four years....ive spent my money here., dont need to screw long time patrons like this.......


  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 11:39 PM

    The Callaway Tour series was replaced by the Hex Chrome series several weeks ago.  WGT posted it in the forums, on the news page, and sent out emails.  It was explained repeatedly that when a player used his last Tour Series ball, there would be no opportunity to reload.

    Good on you for being a good sport in your match.  Too bad it didn't last.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Sep 7 2013 12:22 AM


    The Callaway Tour series was replaced by the Hex Chrome series several weeks ago.  WGT posted it in the forums, on the news page, and sent out emails.  It was explained repeatedly that when a player used his last Tour Series ball, there would be no opportunity to reload.

    Good on you for being a good sport in your match.  Too bad it didn't last.

    This is correct....  The old Call's are a different ball to Call Hex's.... saying different... they might be the same ball, but the game won't recognize that to be the same ball.



  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Sep 7 2013 2:44 AM

    The game will not recognize the "same" ball if it is of different colour or if it's a logo ball. It must be identical!

  • TDHarvey
    433 Posts
    Sat, Sep 7 2013 8:58 AM

    Too bad it didnt last? whatever dude. this is wgt crap. I guess i should read more of this stuff over here. They should put a warning in game. Not like its too difficult for them to let you be able to reload to a different ball. Just another in a long list of shenanigans 

  • TDHarvey
    433 Posts
    Sat, Sep 7 2013 9:05 AM

    lol now my posts are moderated before they are posted? give me a break wgt. so im supposed to not use a ball when it gets close to expiring for fear of this? thats sound thought wgt. ill have a whole bag of nearly expired balls that ive bought but cant use to expiration due to not being able to reload? you can write programs for all this other info and you cant give me an opportunity to buy the ball you replaced these with? 

  • riskplayer
    253 Posts
    Sat, Sep 7 2013 9:38 AM

    If you don't know that you started the game with only 1 ball in the bag, that would make you not screwed by WGT but screwed by the person you see in the mirror.