only if wgt want to commit financial suicide as im sure i would not be alone in leaving if this ever happened
It just isn't going to happen for that very reason.
I will never play UL, it is way beyond insanely stupid. How about making all legends play World of Warcraft? That has about as much to do with this golf GAME as the current version of UL does. But that really is irrelevant; the OP thinks it is okay to try to force another person to play a different game against his her will so he can beat them at the original game?
If UL was to become a little more reasonable and you were able to adjust your stance and the position of the ball within your stance (or more accurately adjust your stance in relation to the ball), I would consider playing it, but to suggest one tier should forced to do so to make it easier for you is just childish.
You're not good enough so you want to make everyone else worse rather than improve your game. What will you want next, all legends just to donate you 1000 credits a day?