From day one, I've often praised liberally those responsible for this wonderful game. And indeed, they deserve praise. But still, as nothing is perfect on this earth, I have at times been critical. Many others stayed complacently quiet, resigned to the status quo, or coping with the imperfections, while keeping in mind the many qualities of the game. I remember the borders flanking the game being an annoying baby blue, instead of black, as it is now. I and a handful of others complained, and WGT obliged us with a welcome change. This still wasn't a true full, widescreen experience, but it was a defensible second-best. Personally, I still wish the borders were altogether gone, allowing the course to fill the screen entirely. But to all appearances, WGT doesn't regard this potential improvement as a priority. And it is clear that my wish alone will not tip the scales.
Anyway, there are other – arguably more important – issues that should be looked at and improved in my humble opinion.
I think WGT should strive to make the game as user-friendly as possible, with the full realization that a fair proportion of their members are old or in some way physically disabled. The whole gameplay could be improved with that in mind. Imagine someone with an unsteady hand or with limited hand function that struggles to place the pointer exactly on the small dot in the middle of the golf ball and adjust this dot to achieve backspin or forward spin. This single operation requires the precision of a sharpshooter and the steady hand of a brain surgeon. Short of that, it is quite frankly an ever renewed nuisance. Not a huge deal, you might say, when you only have to perform this operation once or twice, but through 18 holes, you're likely to perform it far more frequently, and hence more frustratingly. I for one have always regarded this aspect of the game as a tiny thorn in my side. A thorn I could seriously do without.
Do note that I have never been a real fan of Tiger Woods Online before its recent closure. But in fairness to this game, I must say it was more user-friendly than World Golf Tour has ever been. There is a lesson to learn here, with humility, while staying proud of the ever so worthy achievement that the present game constitutes. One lesson is that the keyboard could be put to use, as opposed to making the mouse the sole means of control. How great it would be if you could simply click anywhere on the ball at the bottom right of the screen, and adjust the spin with the directional arrows at the bottom right of the keyboard! No more threading a needle, so to speak, no more cursing. Sigh of relief.
Adjusting the target could also be improved in this fashion. No more clicking, holding, and dragging, as the only option, but rather a simple click, followed optionally by again the use of the directional arrows already mentioned. This would be especially beneficial when subtle adjustments are required during putting. There is no doubt there are other possible applications, but WGT has to begin somewhere, and I believe the two highlighted examples are where it should begin.
Less importantly, let me add that progress could also take place in the aesthetics of the game during play. I'm thinking in particular about the menu box and the info box at the top left and right of the screen respectively. They have been the way they are without much change over the years. And yet, they could be made far more discreet by eliminating the boxes altogether, through the use of transparency, while keeping the critical headings and bits of information in plain sight. This would increase the visibility of the course, and hence its beauty.
Surely I could go on and on, but I will stop here. I simply hope that other players will echo my concerns, and that WGT will act on them in a timely manner.
All the best!