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New tier

Tue, Sep 10 2013 3:09 AM (2 replies)
  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 11:59 PM

    In recent weeks came out threads of various kinds, big players leave, then return, players who are bored of winning, but this last one I read this morning has left me, let's also disappointed, and read about get bored playing RG Tours after win nearly 20,000 bucks, sound strange.

    I mean, it's quite possible, a good thread, but why keep play on, bah.

    The turning point could be give by the WGT Staff designing a new tier.

    I don't know what could be good over a TOUR LEGEND tier but giving the opportunity to the more famous players to further improve and participate in events in RG mode more "important" and obviously with a higher entry fee will give to the Community a new fresh air, something different from the usual and something that is really interesting or call something really new.

    Customers are always very demanding.
    So it would be correct please them sometimes.


  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Tue, Sep 10 2013 1:15 AM

    Legend Master = You gonna catch Hell for shoot-in that low


    Heavenly Tier = After making that deal with the dark side, you're gonna need some Revival time. God lays his hand on you and says " Roland you can not play better then me"

    And then the book comes out



  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Tue, Sep 10 2013 3:09 AM

    Can't breath, Heavenly tier looks awesome. Spot on.

    Laughter is the best medicine already, maybe I played too much WGT, time to open a thread in the Announcement & News just to say:

    "Goodbye, I'm leaving...and see ya tomorrow!".

    Joseph, you been great but by the way, we should give them a new place to play heavenly golf or maybe a new forum. I know, I'm a Tour Legend too but I'm the one of those who play with a daunce hat so. can compete with them and above all, can join'em.
